
Send encrypted and decrypt messages

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Patches socket.emit and and socket.on functions to send encrypted and decrypt messages using crypto-browserify. The logic in lib/browser-crypter is copied from Cryptr.

In HTTPS and WSS connections, data are already encrypted in a similar manner but they are still visible in browser dev tools. My purpose of this is to hide data there.


npm i <Point to the cloned repo>


Create keys

Create a pair of RSA keys. Any way to generate those should work but be careful to add the new line characters.

Best way is using nodejs crypto module. Use the rsa.js file to easily generate a pair

node example/util/rsa

Use the public key in the client and the private key in the server


const io = require('socket.io-client')
const encrypt = require('socket.io-encrypt')

const socket = encrypt(PUBLIC_KEY)(io(SERVER_URL));

socket.emit('message', {/* will be encrypted */})


const encrypt = require('socket.io-encrypt')

const io = require('socket.io')({});

io.on('connect', socket => {
	socket.on('message', data /* decrypted */ => { ... })
	socket.on('error', console.error /* handle decryption errors */)