
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This service is a part of the SCAMP-ML project. It is a RESTful service that provides a way to run EDE-Service jobs on a cluster. It is a part of the SCAMP-ML project. It is a RESTful service that provides a way to run cycle detection/identification and analysis tasks.





This resource provides information about the current state of the service.

GET /v1/ede

Returns core ML library versions. This is useful for debugging and troubleshooting. An example response can be found bellow:

  "libraries": [
      "module": "sklearn",
      "version": "1.2.0"
      "module": "stumpy",
      "version": "1.11.1"


These resource deal with the execution engine. The engine is responsible for executing detection jobs and configuring Redis workers.

GET /v1/ede/config

Returns the current configuration of the engine. An example response can be found bellow:

  "operators": {
    "anomaly": {
      "iforest.IForest": {
        "behaviour": "new",
        "bootstrap": 0,
        "contamination": 0.05,
        "max_features": 1,
        "max_samples": "auto",
        "n_estimators": 100,
        "n_jobs": -1,
        "random_state": null,
        "verbose": 0
      "mark": 0,
      "model": "iforest_d355.joblib"
    "cluster": {
      "HDSCAN": {
        "algorithm": "best",
        "leaf_size": 30,
        "min_cluster_size": 30,
        "min_samples": 5
      "bootstrap": 0,
      "model": "hdbscan_d355.joblib"
    "cycle_detect": {
      "checkpoint": 1,
      "delta_bias": 10,
      "max_distance": 10,
      "pattern": "df_pattern_d355.csv"
    "scaler": {
      "MinMaxScaler": {
        "clip": 0,
        "copy": 0
  "out": {
    "grafana": {},
    "kafka": {
      "broker": "kafka:9092",
      "topic": "ads_events"
    "influxdb": "ede"
  "source": {
    "local": "dev355.csv"

The configuration file is split up into several subsections:

  • source - Deals with the datasource to be used. In the current example a local datasource is defined. Data sources are defined using other REST resources (see source section). These sources can be:
    • ts_source - Time Series Database source, currently we support InfluxDB.
    • kafka_source - Using a Kafka topic as source.
    • minio_source - Using a Minio bucket as source.
    • local - Using a local file as source.
    • resample - Resample the data to a specific time interval. This is useful for data which is not sampled at a constant rate.
  • out - Deals with the output of the engine. Currently we support:
    • kafka - Output to a Kafka topic.
    • grafana - Output to a Grafana dashboard.
    • influxdb - Output to an InfluxDB database. Must specify bucket for output.
  • operators - Deals with the operators that are used in the engine. Currently we support:
    • scaler - Scaling operator as defined in scikit-learn documentation. All scaling and normalization methods are supported.
    • anomaly - Anomaly detection methods. All methods supported by PyOD. In the current example we see how an Isolation Forest model can be trained. For further details please consult the offical PyOD documentation.
    • cluster - Clustering methods. Current version supports only DBSCAN, Optics and HDBSCAN.
    • cycle_detect - Cycle detection method. The above example show how that users have to define a known good pattern and the max_distance and delta_bias parameters used for filtering of overlapping cycles. It is possible to add a query string in case of ts_source. This will allow on the fly pattern definition.
      • dtw - Dynamic Time Warping based cycle detection method will be used if this parameter is set to True. Initialy if scoring is different max_distance had to have a larger value. If the value was to small the job would fail. To limit this issue now max_distance reprezents a percentage of the median score. This will allow for more flexibility in the cycle detection process.

PUT /v1/ede/config

Is used for submitting a new configuration. See GET /v1/ede/config for more details.

POST /v1/ede/config/revert

Reverts the configuration to the default version as detailed in the GET /v1/ede/config response.

POST /v1/ede/detect

Start the detection based around the engine configuration. There are several prerequistes which have to be met before this resource can be used:

  • All sources have to be defined. See Source section for more details.
  • REDIS workers have to be up and running. See resource /v1/ede/worker for more details.
  • A pattern has to be defined. See resource /v1/ede/pattern for more details.

Resource payload has contains if only a single detection cycle should be executed or a continuaously execution. In the case of contonuous execution the polling period has to be defined. The JSON payload example can be found bellow:

    "loop": true,
    "period": 60

GET /v1/ede/jobs

Return all jobs of the detection engine. There are 4 states in which a job can be: failed, finished, queued and started. An example response can be seen bellow:

  "failed": [
  "finished": [
  "queued": [
  "started": [

DELETE /v1/ede/jobs

Deletes all jobs including currently executing ones which it terminates before removing from all registries.

GET /v1/ede/jobs/<job_id>

This resource returns information about a job based on the jobs uuid. Each analysis and detection step is logged in and an appropriate message will appear in the meta section of the JSON response. The meta section also contains the configuration used for the job.

An example can be seen bellow:

  "finished": false,
  "meta": {
    "progress": "Computing heuristic overlap",
    "config" : {
        "source": {
            "local": "dev355.csv"
        "out": {
            "grafana": {},
            "kafka": {
            "broker": "kafka:9092",
            "topic": "ads_events"
            "influxdb": "ede"
        "operators": {
            "scaler": {
            "method": "minmax"
            "anomaly": {
            "method": "iforest",
            "params": {
                "n_estimators": 100,
                "max_samples": 256,
                "contamination": 0.1
            "cluster": {
            "method": "dbscan",
            "params": {
                "eps": 0.5,
                "min_samples": 5
            "cycle_detect": {
            "pattern": "pattern_d355.csv",
            "max_distance": 0.5,
            "delta_bias": 0.1
  "status": "started"

DELETE /v1/ede/jobs/<job_id>

Deletes a job based on the jobs uuid including currently executing ones which it terminates before removing from all registries.

GET /v1/ede/pattern

This resource can be used to fetch the currently used pattern for cycle detection:

  "patterns": [

NOTE: Currently we support only csv defined patterns. Future version we will support time based indexing for the definition of patterns.

PUT /v1/ede/pattern/<pattern>

This resource is used to upload a pattern file to the service. The pattern parameter is used as the name of the csv file.

DELETE /v1/ede/pattern/<pattern>

This resource deletes the pattern as defined by the pattern parameter.

GET /v1/ede/workers

This resource returns a descripion of all of the REDIS workers curently registered to the service. An example response can be found bellow:

  "workers": [
      "id": "277f66c6068a4ca89af3a0c65153401c",
      "pid": 68,
      "status": false
      "id": "b31f0f0e57654f87880c274cd666c2ff",
      "pid": 38,
      "status": false

NOTE: The status parameter is used to indicate if the worker is currently operational or not. The maximum number of workers is based around the number of physical CPU cores available.

POST /v1/ede/workers

This resource is used to start REDIS workers. Each request starts a worker until the maximum number of workers has been reached.

DELETE /v1/ede/workers

Stops REDIS workers for each request. If there are workers which are registered but are not running they will be deregistered and removed.


These resources are used to define data source which can be used by the detection service.

GET /v1/source

Returns the current configuration for each datasource registered:

  "source": {
    "kafka_source": {
      "host": "kafka.example.com",
      "port": 9092,
      "topic": "bd4nrg-ads"
    "local_source": "/data",
    "minio_source": {
      "access_key": "<access_key>",
      "host": "hal.example.com:9000",
      "secret_key": "<secret_key>",
      "secure": false
    "ts_source": {
      "bucket": "sensors",
      "host": "https://influxdb.services.example.com",
      "org": "bd4mnrg",
      "port": 8086,
      "token": "<token>"

PUT /v1/source

Is used to define data source as shown for GET /v1/source.

GET /v1/source/<source>

Return the information for each data source. The example from bellow has the source parameter set to minio:

  "access_key": "<access_keys>",
  "host": "hal.example.com:9000",
  "secret_key": "<secret_key>",
  "secure": false

Note: The supported sources are as follows: minio, kafka, influxdb and local.

PUT /v1/source/<source>

Used to modify source configuration based on the source parameter. See GET /v1/source/<source> for more details.

GET /v1/source/local/<data>

This resource is used to return the local data source file as defined by the data parameter. The data parameter is the name of the file without the extension. The file extension is automatically added based on the type of data source.

GET /v1/source/local/<data>

This resource is used to upload a data file to the local data source.

GET /v1/source/local/cycles

This resource fetches only the locally stored cycles. During output configuration the maximum number of cycle detection instances is defined.

GET /v1/source/local/cycles/<uuid>

This resource lists all cycles detected locally with a particular UUID. If the loop parameter for detection is set to false then only one cycle per job UUID will be stored. If the loop parameter is set to true then all cycles will be stored using the same UUID.

GET /v1/source/local/cycles/<uuid>/latest

This resource returns the latest cycle detected for a particular job UUID. For other cycles please use the generic file fetching mechanism; /v1/source/local/<data>


These resources are used to upload and modify data which can be used by the detection service.

PUT /v1/source/remote/<source>

This resource is used to upload data to the remote data source. The source parameter is used to define the data source. The supported sources are as follows: minio, kafka and local.

NOTE: Additional resource for listing data available in remote data sources are not yet implemented. Data source should be configured separately.


Setting up the service

We use several environment variables to configure the service. The following variables are required:

  • EDE_HOST - the host of the EDE-Service
  • EDE_PORT - the port of the EDE-Service
  • EDE_DEBUG - the debug level of the EDE-Service
  • EDE_USER - the user to use for the EDE-Service
  • REDIS_END - the endpoint for redis queue
  • REDIS_PORT - the port for redis queue
  • WORKER_THRESHOLD - threshold modifier for number of supported workers, be default it is twice the number of CPU cores
  • EDE_ENH - select enhanced version of windowing for cycle detection, by default legacy version is used
  • EDE_PARALLEL - select if parallel version of cycle detection should be used, by default it is set to false. The number of workers is defined by setting this variable

Note: If both EDE_ENH and EDE_PARALLEL are set to true then the parallel version of the enhanced windowing will be used.

All environment variables have default values in acrodance with the libraries used.

Suported detection methods

In order to ensure that the service is as flexible as possible we support several detection methods. In order to acomplish this we use the sklearn API conventions as a guideline, thus all methods which use this convention are compatible with our service. Of particular note is the PyOD library which we support in its entirety. The following methods are currently supported:

Type Acronim Method
Probabilistic ECOD Unsupervised Outlier Detection Using Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions
Probabilistic ABOD Angle-Based Outlier Detection
Probabilistic FastABOD Fast Angle-Based Outlier Detection using approximation
Probabilistic COPOD COPOD: Copula-Based Outlier Detection
Probabilistic MAD Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)
Probabilistic SOS Stochastic Outlier Selection
Probabilistic QMCD Quasi-Monte Carlo Discrepancy outlier detection
Probabilistic KDE Outlier Detection with Kernel Density Functions
Probabilistic Sampling Rapid distance-based outlier detection via sampling
Probabilistic GMM Probabilistic Mixture Modeling for Outlier Analysis
Linear Model PCA Principal Component Analysis (the sum of weighted projected distances to the eigenvector hyperplanes)
Linear Model KPCA Kernel Principal Component Analysis
Linear Model MCD Minimum Covariance Determinant (use the mahalanobis distances as the outlier scores)
Linear Model CD Use Cook's distance for outlier detection
Linear Model OCSVM One-Class Support Vector Machines
Linear Model LMDD Deviation-based Outlier Detection (LMDD)
Proximity-Based LOF Local Outlier Factor
Proximity-Based COF Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor
Proximity-Based (Incremental) COF Memory Efficient Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor (slower but reduce storage complexity)
Proximity-Based CBLOF Clustering-Based Local Outlier Factor
Proximity-Based LOCI LOCI: Fast outlier detection using the local correlation integral
Proximity-Based HBOS Histogram-based Outlier Score
Proximity-Based kNN k Nearest Neighbors (use the distance to the kth nearest neighbor as the outlier score)
Proximity-Based AvgKNN Average kNN (use the average distance to k nearest neighbors as the outlier score)
Proximity-Based MedKNN Median kNN (use the median distance to k nearest neighbors as the outlier score)
Proximity-Based SOD Subspace Outlier Detection
Proximity-Based ROD Rotation-based Outlier Detection
Outlier Ensembles IForest Isolation Forest
Outlier Ensembles INNE Isolation-based Anomaly Detection Using Nearest-Neighbor Ensembles
Outlier Ensembles FB Feature Bagging
Outlier Ensembles LSCP LSCP: Locally Selective Combination of Parallel Outlier Ensembles
Outlier Ensembles XGBOD Extreme Boosting Based Outlier Detection (Supervised)
Outlier Ensembles LODA Lightweight On-line Detector of Anomalies
Outlier Ensembles SUOD SUOD: Accelerating Large-scale Unsupervised Heterogeneous Outlier Detection (Acceleration)
Neural Networks AutoEncoder Fully connected AutoEncoder (use reconstruction error as the outlier score)
Neural Networks VAE Variational AutoEncoder (use reconstruction error as the outlier score)
Neural Networks Beta-VAE Variational AutoEncoder (all customized loss term by varying gamma and capacity)
Neural Networks SO_GAAL Single-Objective Generative Adversarial Active Learning
Neural Networks MO_GAAL Multiple-Objective Generative Adversarial Active Learning
Neural Networks DeepSVDD Deep One-Class Classification
Neural Networks AnoGAN Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks
Neural Networks ALAD Adversarially learned anomaly detection
Graph-based R-Graph Outlier detection by R-graph
Graph-based LUNAR LUNAR: Unifying Local Outlier Detection Methods via Graph Neural Networks


This product includes software developed at "Research Institute e-Austria, Romania", as part of the "SCAMP-ML - Statistici computaționale avansate pentru planificarea și urmărirea mediilor de producție" (Organismul Intermediar pentru Cercetare (OIC) - Program Operațional Competitivitate, Componenta 1 – Proiect Tehnologic Inovativ pentru regiuni mai puțin dezvoltate (fără București – Ilfov), axa prioritară - Cercetare, dezvoltare tehnologică și inovare (CDI)).



Copyright 2021-2023, Research Institute e-Austria, Timisoara, Romania

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.