

Author Muhammad Imran Email: muhammadghouseimran.zahirudeen@cognizant.com

Test case written using the Mocha testing framework with WebDriverIO for testing an iOS app.

  1. Importing Dependencies:

    import { assert } from 'chai';
    import { validateApiResponse } from '/Users/immi/Desktop/ea-tech-wdio-sample/src/test/api/api.ts';
    • The code imports the assert module from the 'chai' library, which provides assertion functions for making test assertions.
    • It also imports the validateApiResponse function from the specified file ('/Users/immi/Desktop/ea-tech-wdio-sample/src/test/api/api.ts'). This function likely contains the API response data that will be used for validation.
  2. Describe and Test Block:

    describe('iOS App Test', () => {
      it('should validate the response in the iOS app', async () => {
        // Test logic goes here
    • This block uses the describe function from Mocha to define a test suite titled 'iOS App Test'.
    • Inside the test suite, the it function is used to define an individual test case titled 'should validate the response in the iOS app'.
    • The test case is an async function that contains the logic for validating the response in the iOS app.
  3. Locating Elements:

    const bandsListEle = 'type == \"XCUIElementTypeCollectionView\"';
    const bandsList = await $(`-ios predicate string:${bandsListEle}`);
    const displayedBandsEle = 'type == XCUIElementTypeCell';
    const displayedBands = await $$(`-ios predicate string:${displayedBandsEle}`);
    • The code defines two variables, bandsListEle and displayedBandsEle, which represent the element locators.
    • The located elements are stored in bandsList and displayedBands variables, respectively.
  4. Validation:

    // Validate the number of bands in the app
    assert.equal(displayedBands.length, validateApiResponse.length, 'Number of displayed bands should match the API response');
    // Validate each band and its child item as a festival
    for (let i = 0; i < validateApiResponse.length; i++) {
      const band = validateApiResponse[i];
      // Validate the band name
      assert.equal(bandName, band.name, 'Band name should match the API response');
      // Validate the festival
      assert.equal(festival, 'Festival', 'Child item should be displayed as "Festival"');
    • The code performs various validation checks using the assert module from chai.
    • First, it validates the number of displayed bands by comparing the length of displayedBands array with the length of validateApiResponse array.
    • Then, it enters a loop to validate each band and its child item as a festival.
    • Inside the loop, it retrieves the band name and festival text using element locators and WebDriverIO's getText() method.
    • It compares the retrieved values with the corresponding values in the validateApiResponse array using assert.equal assertions.