
A bot for getting alt text from one Twitter account's photos and then Tweeting the Tweetable texts as standalone Tweets on another account.

Primary LanguageErlang

This is code for a Twitter bot that reads alt-texts from one Twitter account and posts them as standalone text-only tweets to another Twitter account.

To build you'll need the Erlang build tool rebar: https://github.com/rebar/rebar

Build using:

> rebar get-deps
> rebar clean compile

To run you can use something like:

erl -pa ./ebin/ -pa ./deps/erlybird/ebin/ -pa ./deps/jiffy/ebin/ -pa  ./deps/oauth/ebin/ -s inets  -s ssl -consumer_key "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY" -consumer_secret "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET" -access_token "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" -access_token_secret "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET" -eval 'ianisqatsibot:run("fromHandle", "toHandle")'.