
Crypto Serverless RestAPI, to check cryptocoins exchange rate

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Crypto Serverless

GitHub repo size Node


The Crypto Serverless is a Serverless API, made with Node.js and Serverless Framework, using the AWS Lambda and others AWS functions. Your job is to keep track of some cryptocoins exchange rate to $(Dollar), and the evolution rate in % since the last iteration. It keep tracks the Crypto by a given array, and can return a history of the recent rates.

💻 Prerequisites

Before we start, check the following prerequisites:

  • Instaled the most recent version of JavaScript and Node.
  • Created and Account on Amazon and have IAM for this application
  • Installed the Amazon CLI

🤖 Connecting you Amazon Keys

To run this project you need to connect your own IAM keys:

# start the configuration
$ aws configure [--profile profile-name]

# this is the following options to configure
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: accesskey
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: secretkey
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: 

The Stack used in this Project was :

  • NodeJs
  • Serverless Framework
  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS API Gateway
  • AWS DynamoDB
  • AWS EventBridge
  • Jest
  • Axios

🚀 Instaling Crypto Serverless

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/igfeitall/Crypto_Serverless.git

# Go into the repository
$ cd Crypto_Serverless

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

☕ Using Crypto API

This is a list of some Configurations needed:

The configuration of the API can be done altering the serverless.yml archive.

  • UPDATE_TIMER (in Minutes), is the minutes to trigger the update via AWS EventBridge,
  • HISTORIC_LIMIT, number of rows that will apear when use GET /tokens endpoint
  • COINLAYER_KEY, the key of yout acount on cointlayer website

You need to create an acount on coinLayer to be able to use this API : https://coinlayer.com/login

To run the Project you only need to deploy it:

# running the server
$ serverless deploy

# rollback the server
$ serverless remove

The Project was tested with Jest. To run all the unit test, do the following code:

# testing the code
$ npm test

🌐 Endpoint List

This is the URL for the application runing rigth now.

POST /tokens (add one or many tokens to track):

The Crypto Serverless use a 3rd Party Token API, this is the list of symbols : https://coinlayer.com/symbols.

// example

"body": ["BTC", "ETH", "DOGE"]


GET /tokens (return the list of all tokens and their last exchange rate and the evolution rate).

GET /tokens/:id (return specific token values and the history of exchange rates and evolutions).

// example


DELETE /tokens/:id (delete all ocurrency of a token in the database, and don`t track it anymore).

// example


The updateToken function is running on the AWS EventBridge.

To import the collections of Routes on Insomniam use the Json : RoutesCollection

📝 License

This project is using the MIT License. click to follow to the archive License.

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