
GitLab API client written in GO

Primary LanguageGo

Client for GitLab API written in GO

Package provides methods for pasing GitLab API and return structures that are easy to work with. Currently supports only last api version – v3.

Full API documentation with request params and response examples can be found here


apiToken := "123"
baseUrl := "https://git.example.com"
apiVersion := "v3"
client := &http.Client{}

gitLabClient := gl_client.NewClient(apiToken, baseUrl, apiVersion, client)

Inhouse instances of GitLab sometimes use self signed SSL certificates. For proper work with this case you should skip verifying of certificate. So initializing process will look slightly different.

transport := &http.Transport{
  TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
apiToken := "123"
baseUrl := "https://git.example.com"
apiVersion := "v3"
client := &http.Client{Transport: transport}

gitLabClient := gl_client.NewClient(apiToken, baseUrl, apiVersion, client)

Get users

GET /users
users, err := gitLabClient.GetUsers()


[{1 John Smith j_smith j_smith@exmaple.com} {2 John Galt j_galt j_galt@exmaple.com}]

Single user

GET /users/:id
user, err := gitLabClient.GetUser(1)


{ 1 John Smith j_smith j_smith@example.com }

Get current authenticated user

GET /user
user, err := gitLabClient.GetCurrentUser()


{ 1 John Smith j_smith j_smith@example.com }