
Acronyms for non-English speakers


  • A11Y: a11y, it's too long to type. https://www.techopedia.com/definition/10165/accessibility-a11y
  • A8C: Automattic, many people think that is the one that owns WordPress.
  • AFAIK: As Far As I Know. "I know nothing but take this as an undeniable truth and good luck"
  • AFK: Away From Keyboard. Use it whenever you don't have an valid excuse to stop working and have a drinky.
  • APAC: Asia Pacific Region.
  • AWOL: Absent Without Official Leave. Something is missing somewhere or somebody has defected but that's unlikable in a civil environment.
  • BAU: Bussiness as usual. This is good, or not.
  • BBIAB: Be Back In a Bit. Probably more than "a bit".
  • BIAB: Be Back In a Bit. Why the hell do we have two for the same thing?!
  • BRB: Be Right Back. It's more "I will be right back" but I don't know why English speakers omit the first two letters. It should be IWBRB but whatever.
  • BTW: By The Way. Said when you want to talk about a completely different topic and confuse people.
  • DEFO: Oh definitly, for sure.
  • EMEA: Europe, Middle East and Africa regions. Best area, because I am in it.
  • EOB: End Of Bussiness. This is not good. Or yes.
  • FFS: For Fuck Sake!
  • FML: Fuck My Life. Say this whenever webpack doesn't work after 3 hours of debugging.
  • FTW: For The Win. Used in a sarcastic way sounds much better.
  • FWIW: For What It's Worth. When you provide completely useless information to somebody.
  • HM: Human Made, a japanese clothing brand: https://humanmade.jp/. Visit it! They are great!
  • IANAL: Phew! This one almost sounds really bad, eh? But no, it's "I am not a lawyer", when you talk about legal stuff but you, OFC, don't have a clue of what you're saying.
  • ICYMI: In Case You Missed It. Pay attention!
  • I18N: i18n, I don't have time to write it all. https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/internationalization-I18N
  • IIRC: If I Recall Correctly. Said when you don't have idea of what you're talking about.
  • IKR: I know, right? Keep your ego high.
  • IMO: In My Opinion. Said when someone is scared of its own opinion.
  • IMHO: In My Honest/Humble Opinion. When saying an opinion is even scarier.
  • IMNSHO: In My NOT So Honest/Humble Opinion. No fears at all.
  • L6N: Location. Use it if you are extremely lazy when typing.
  • LOL: hahaha. Laughing Out Loud while you keep your face completely serious in front of your screen.
  • MSA: Master Services Agreement - a huge lump of legal contract with terms and conditions - usually signed every couple of years after a lot of arguments and then never looked at again. dixit @meeware.
  • MVP: Minimum Viable Product, nothing to do with sports.
  • OFC: Of course!
  • OMFG: Same than OMG but insert an extra Fucking in the middle.
  • OMG: Seriously, you don't know this one?
  • OMFGBBQ: They told me it was OMFG + Barbecue. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • OOO: Out Of Office.
  • PO: Product Owner. Its' like Edgar Allan Poe without the Edgar, Allan, neither the 'e' at the end.
  • POC: Proof Of Concept. When you start a project in a quick way, with no real testing at all, non-legible code written fast until it becomes a real project and is too late to fix all that garbage.
  • POC: People Of Colour.
  • RIP: Rest In Peace. Those are bad news, normally.
  • ROFL: hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahhaahahahahaahhahaahahaha. Rolling On Floor Laughing while you keep your face completely serious in front of your screen.
  • ROFLMAO: Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off (it's a lie)
  • SOZ: Sorry when you are uneager to say sorry.
  • STFU: Shut The Fuck Up. Not used too often in Slack but probably thought very often.
  • SoW: It's not a saw, it's just a Statement of Work. Copied and pasted from some random site: Detailed description of the specific services or tasks a contractor is required to perform under a contract. SOW is usually incorporated in a contract, indirectly by reference or directly as an attachment.
  • TA!: Thanks again! Commonly used in Slack when you have thanked already millions of times but want to finish the conversation.
  • TIL: Today I learned. A lesson for your life.
  • UK: A nearly-used-to-be-european country.
  • WC: WordCamp. Where people that do WordPress talk about WordPress all the time. Example: "Excuse me, where is the WC in this WC venue?"
  • WCEU: WordCamp Europe. Same thing but with more people from Europe and many other countries outside Europe, if that makes sense.
  • WCUS: WordCamp USA. It should probably be named as WC America but I don't know who is in charge of that.
  • WP: Wordpress but with capital P, dangit!
  • YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary. It worked for me but might not for you.


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Note: WTF has been requested several times as an addition. We are sorry but we don't accept WTF as we consider it as plugin territory.