
Distributed election system

Primary LanguageJava


Distributed election system


The build process is pretty straight-forward: go to the scripts directory

cd scripts

And then run the script called generate_sources.sh


Once this is done, you will need to open three terminals, one for the registry, one for the server and one for the client. The server and the registry must be on the same computer.

For the sake of this README we are assuming you are running everything on one computer. Should this not be the case you just need to replace the -DserverAddress argument with the IP of the server host.

Note: you should still be standing in the scripts directory on every terminal

On terminal 1, run the registry:


On terminal 2, run the server:


Finally, you will use terminal 3 to run the different clients according to the instructions given. Example usage:

Manage election status

./run-management -Daction=[open|close|status] -DserverAddress=<ip>

Submit Votes in the path

./run-vote -DvotesPath=<path_to_csv> -DserverAddress=<ip>

We mostly tested this using /tmp but you can also use relative paths starting from client/src/main/assembly/overlay

Register fiscal

./run-fiscal.sh -DserverAddress=<ip> -Did=<booth> -Dparty=<PartyName>"

(Remember that fiscals must be registered before the election is opened)

Query for votes and save result in outPath

./run-query -DserverAddress=<ip> -DoutPath=<filename> [ -Dstate=<stateName> | -Did=<pollingPlaceNumber> ]


Unit Tests


mvn test

E2E Tests


./integration-tests.sh (vote_bulk|concurrency|fiscal_test) [repetitions]

Important For the three tests you need to run on your own terminal the server and the registry. And for vote_bulk and concurrency you must also open the elections yourself.


  • Clara Guzzetti
  • Francisco Delgado
  • Nicolás Paganini
  • Ignacio Vidaurreta