
Program that can hide and find a file in a BMP file

Primary LanguageC

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Program that can hide and find a file in a BMP file.


Make sure to compile the code by using

make all

This will generate a stegobmp file which is the executable of our program. The usage varies if you are embedding or extracting.

For embedding

./stegobmp -embed -in file -p bmp_file -out output_bmp_file -steg <LSB1|LSB4|LSBI> \
          [-a <aes128|aes192|aes256|des>] [-m <ECB|EFB|OFB|CBC>] [-pass password]

Important: If you encrypt/decrypt without specifying a password, it won't encrypt the data, just hide it Default values:

  • If you specify algorithm and password but not mode the default mode is CBC
  • If you specify mode and password but not algorithm, the default algorithm is aes128
  • If you only specify password it will use aes-128-cbc by default.

For extracting

./stegobmp -extract -p bmp_file -out output_bmp_file -steg <LSB1|LSB4|LSBI> \
          [-a <aes128|aes192|aes256|des>] [-m <ECB|EFB|OFB|CBC>] [-pass password]


  • -p specifices the bmp cover image to be used
  • -out output of the programa. The cover image with the file hidden in it
  • -steg the LSB algorithm to use
  • -a encryption algorithm
  • -m chaining mode
  • -pass password to encrypt (and decrypt) with


  • Clara Guzzetti
  • Marina Fuster
  • Ignacio Vidaurreta