Java Jagacy IBM 3270 emulator script
O projeto java-jagacy-ibm-3270-emulator-script a execução de um script de comandos em um mainframe, através de uma conexão emulada de um terminal IBM 3270.
- Java JDK 1.8 (jar file includes runnable)
- Eclipse (version Neon recommended)
- Apache Maven 3.6 (recommended > 3.3)
:- properties:
- dependencies:
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
- build:
<plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> </plugin>
- properties:
- Clone source code using "git clone". Use branch "master" if branch "develop" is not available.
- Read, if avaliable, "2. Documentation" and "3.X. Guides, Patterns, Standard, Conventions and Best Practices" to understand patterns, standards, conventions and best practices used in this project.
- Make your changes, commit and push on "develop" branch. Use branch "master" if branch "develop" is not available. Ask me permission, if not available permission to push.
- Passo 1: Instalando a biblioteca do Jagacy no repositório local
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jagacy3270.jar -DgroupId=jagacy3270 -DartifactId=jagacy3270 -Dversion=4.2.3 -Dpackaging=jar
- Passo 2: Configuração da JRE 1.8 do Eclipse. Clique na pasta
JRE System Library [XXXX]
em seguida com botão invertido do mouse configure a JRE 1.8
The following command line builds a runnable (.jar) in .\target\java-simplecalc-cli-jar-with-dependencies.jar
C:\..\java-jagacy-ibm-3270-emulator-script> mvn clean compile package assembly:single
Passo 1: Help em linha de comando
C:\..\java-jagacy-ibm-3270-emulator-script> java -jar .\target\java-jagacy-ibm-3270-emulator-script
- n/a