Do you use PaperTrail to track changes to your models? Do you often get bug reports like this: "I'm seeing this value here but it shouldn't be possible"? Do you start solving those by thinking "Hmm.. that is in fact strange.. maybe someone set this value through Admin panel - and avoided some of the regular validations"
If yes Versia can help you by making it easy to inspect changes made to a model that PaperTrail keep.
You need to set those configuration settings:
VERSIA_ADMIN_PASSWORD - basic auth password
VERSIA_MODEL_NAME - model name you want to have this for
VERSIA_PG_STRING - PostgreSQL connection string
PORT - http port versia is supposed to start on
Versia is ready to be used on Heroku heroku create
git push heroku master
and after that set configuration variables.
Connection strings for PostgreSQL are described here