
Simon Says Game - Udemy Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


SimonSays Game

Simon Says Web Game - Udemy Project

Creator: IgnacioPrados



This is a very fun game, I remember having the physical version when I was a kid, it was time to recreate the online version, using a bit of JavaScript and manipulating the DOM. It has a very simple and retro design.


After learning how to manipulate the web DOM well, thanks to TheAppBrewery for the Udemy course, I set out to create this game. The game consists of the user having to press the buttons, in the correct order shown on the screen.

I created the game in August 2021. It has infinite levels and patterns, totally random, for the user to have fun. I did this by creating Random values with JavaScript. Try to beat my record!

Key Technologies used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript

© 2021 Made by IgnacioPrados