
Examples taken from Rob Pike's talk about concurrency patterns.

Primary LanguageGo

Go Concurrency Patterns

Examples taken from Rob Pike's talk about concurrency patterns.

Go Concurrency Patterns video:


Notes from Rob's talk

"The composition of independently executing computations" -- Rob Pike

Concurrency not parallelism. On a single core, you can't have parallelism.


  • Easy To Understand
  • Easy To Use
  • Easy To Reason
  • Work at a Higher Level

Concurrency is not new

Hoare's CSP Paper in 1978

  • Occam ('83), Erlang ('86), Newsqueak ('88), Concurrent ML ('93), Alef ('95), Limbo ('96)

Go is a Branch of:

Newsqueak-Alef-Limbo using Channels


  • Independently executing function
  • Has its own stack which grows and shrinks
  • Very Cheap, could have thousands or more
  • Not a thread
    • Could have only one thread running thousands of goroutines
  • Goroutines are multiplexed dynamically onto threads as needed to keep routines running
  • Could think of it as a very cheap thread

Buffered Channels

  • Channels can be created with a buffer
  • Buffering removes synchronization
  • Can be important for some problems but they are more subtle to reason about
  • Not using them today


  • Started With
    • Slow, Sequential and Failure-Sensitive code
  • Ended With
    • Fast, Concurrent, Replicated and Robust code

Other Patterns

Chatroulette Toy:

Load Balancer:

Concurrent Prime Sieve:

Concurrent Power Series (by Mcllroy)