All in one Joystream Storage/Distribution Instance

All you need to run a storage or distributor node for Joystream mainnet, on a single host machine with docker is in this repo.


You can also use docker desktop but is not the recommended way to run a production instance :)

Docker provides a convenience script to make installation process a little easier.


Prepare a top level .env for some configurable values.

cp env.example .env

Start a joystream-node

docker compose up -d joystream-node

Start the storage squid processor and graphql server

docker compose up -d squid-db
docker compose up -d squid-processor
docker compose up -d squid-graphql-server

A working graphql endpoint should be accessible at http://localhost:8081/graphql For additional configuring options for the query node check the docs

Start tracing and monitoring

docker compose up -d collector
docker compose up -d metricbeat

Before going further, you should wait for the processor to fully sync up before using them production for your storage or distributor nodes.

You can track its progress by looking at the logs:

docker logs --tail 100 --follow processor

Distributor Node

To run a Distributor node follow these instructions

Storage Node

To run a Storage node follow these instructions


Once you have setup your storage or distributor node, you will need to make them publicly acessible with a caddy webserver.

All you need to do is set your CADDY_DOMAIN in .env then start it up:

docker compose up -d caddy

If you set CADDY_DOMAIN= your can check their status at: if you setup the distributor node. if you setup the storage node.

You can make any necessary changes in the Caddyfile. Then to gracefully reload the configuration:

docker exec caddy caddy reload --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile