
Firefox plugin extending breviar.sk and divinumofficium.com with chant notation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

E-Antifonář 2

Firefox extension enhancing

Developed as a (both legally and technically) less problematic replacement of the original E-Antifonář web app.

Note on Liturgia horarum and Ordo cantus officii

When the post-Vatican II Divine Office (texts of which are now available at https://breviar.sk/la/) is celebrated with chant, the document Ordo cantus officii applies, prescribing chants often differing from the texts in the breviary. This extension ignores the fact completely and only provides notation for the literal breviary texts - if they are available in any of the chant corpora, which is often not the case.


For now this extension has only been published as source code on Github.

In order to install it from source please follow the official instructions https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Temporary_Installation_in_Firefox

This early development version additionally requires

  • adiutor with data properly imported and running at http://localhost:3000
  • security.mixed_content.block_active_content Firefox configuration option set to false
