Icons in Flex Toolbar broken
Closed this issue · 5 comments
onetrev commented
When I activate Nucleus Dark UI, some of my Flex Toolbar icons no longer display.
ignism commented
Hey, in order to reproduce this, mind if I ask what icons you were using in the config file? Or better yet, share me the config file so I can recreate this exact toolbar?
onetrev commented
Thank you for looking into to this! Not sure how you wanted me to share the config file to you, so I'm just going ahead and pasting this beast in here...
"type": "button",
"icon": "embed",
"callback": "emmet:wrap-with-abbreviation",
"tooltip": "Emmet Wrap",
"iconset": "icomoon"
"type": "button",
"icon": "embed2",
"callback": "emmet:interactive-expand-abbreviation",
"tooltip": "Interactive Emmet Wrap",
"iconset": "icomoon"
"type": "button",
"icon": "indent-more",
"callback": "editor:auto-indent",
"tooltip": "Auto Indent",
"iconset": "fi"
"type": "button",
"icon": "map",
"callback": "symbols-view:toggle-file-symbols",
"tooltip": "File Symbols",
"type": "button",
"icon": "android-color-palette",
"callback": "pigments:show-palette",
"tooltip": "Pigments",
"type": "button",
"icon": "bookmark",
"callback": "bookmarks:toggle-bookmark",
"tooltip": "Toggle Bookmark",
"type": "button",
"icon": "check-square-o",
"callback": "imdone-atom:tasks",
"tooltip": "Project To Do List",
"type": "button",
"icon": "circuit-board",
"callback": "git-diff:toggle-diff-list",
"tooltip": "Git Diffs",
"type": "spacer"
"type": "button",
"icon": "three-bars",
"tooltip": "Toggle Command Palette"
"callback": ["command-palette:toggle"]
"type": "button",
"icon": "file-submodule",
"tooltip": "Toggle Projects"
"callback": ["project-manager:list-projects"]
"type": "url",
"icon": "wordpress-plain",
"url": "https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference",
"iconset": "devicon"
"type": "button",
"icon": "search",
"iconset": "ion",
"tooltip": "Find in Project"
"callback": ["project-find:show"]
"type": "button",
"icon": "insert-template",
"iconset": "icomoon",
"tooltip": "Split Down"
"callback": ["pane:split-down"]
"type": "button",
"icon": "terminal",
"tooltip": "Toggle Dev Tools"
"callback": ["window:toggle-dev-tools"]
"type": "button",
"icon": "markdown",
"callback": "markdown-preview:toggle",
"hide": "!markdown"
"type": "button",
"icon": "document",
"callback": "application:new-file",
"tooltip": "New File",
"iconset": "ion",
"mode": "dev"
"type": "button",
"icon": "refresh",
"callback": "window:reload",
"tooltip": "Reload Window",
"iconset": "ion",
"mode": "dev"
"type": "spacer"
"type": "button",
"icon": "gear-a",
"callback": ["settings-view:open"],
"iconset": "ion"
ignism commented
Perfect! thank you, I have the same issue and I am looking into this now.
ignism commented
Patched in version 0.2.13
onetrev commented
Awesome, thanks for all the fixes! Now you just need to get your donation link fixed. :)