- 0
Plugin window not showing properly
#116 opened by GagahGK - 2
Problem with mutirow-tabs package
#77 opened by quasipedia - 2
New github login modal
#114 opened by alondahari - 1
Text unreadable when using some packages
#113 opened by zambo - 0
<code> in success notification invisible
#112 opened by calebgrove - 4
Latest update makes fonts thinner
#103 opened by ntadej - 5
the UPPERCASE patch
#111 opened by objectkit - 0
Minor padding issues with Atom Build dialog
#110 opened by onetrev - 2
Weird cmd+w behaviour in Atom beta
#109 opened by albireox - 1
New version overrides editor line-height.
#105 opened by nomoon - 1
Change size to status bar
#106 opened by mateorico - 0
Visual glitch when moving tabs
#104 opened by matteodelabre - 0
deprecated error with theme
#108 opened by jcdalton2201 - 2
How do you make the Mac Window dark?
#107 opened by lacostenycoder - 4
Change “Disable/Enable Package” button colors
#102 opened by matteodelabre - 1
#101 opened by uriberma - 6
Proposal: Fixed project-root-header
#98 opened by oomathias - 5
Fonts are all quite large
#95 opened by kaicataldo - 1
Fuzzy Matches Not Highlighted
#99 opened by mikeerickson - 1
- 2
- 0
BibTeX entries in panel are cropped
#94 opened by edwinksl - 3
- 1
- 3
New releases
#91 opened by Jarvvski - 8
Scroll bar
#89 opened by onetrev - 4
input text unreadable
#90 opened by dmaglio - 6
- 0
Problem with ex-mod package
#86 opened by shellqiqi - 3
- 1
Modal & footer styles: colors & paddings
#83 opened by alex35mil - 2
Ability to change color of the command palette?
#76 opened by VitaliyR - 5
Palette does not play well with git-plus
#82 opened by albireox - 1
Syntax theme used in preview
#79 opened by ILiuz - 4
Command palette deselected text not visible
#78 opened by adambowles - 1
Installed packages font too large?
#75 opened by albireox - 1
Update linter styling
#74 opened by amilajack - 3
Broken Git Diff Color
#72 opened by calebgrove - 2
Cannot change highlight line color
#61 opened by gyzerok - 4
Can you use relative font-size?
#69 opened by zhaocai - 2
Make nucleus work better with custom title bar
#70 opened by albireox - 1
Does anyone knows how to enable left side panel?
#68 opened by grigala - 3
Font color for focused line in find-and-replace
#66 opened by tschaub - 1
- 1
Selected input text is no longer readable
#65 opened by fabiospampinato - 1
Embedded atom editor is hiding content
#64 opened by keathley - 3
Treeview font-size
#63 opened by sachq - 1
Small icon buttons look odd
#59 opened by trepidacious - 1
Indistinguishable Slider in Minimap Package
#60 opened by shellqiqi - 6
Problems with horizontal scrolling in tree-view
#56 opened by albireox