
Blank page after installing plugin version 4.4.4

iljalukin opened this issue · 10 comments

After installing the plugin version 4.4.4 and clicking on the Fastpath menu button to get into its settings a blank page is shown. The browser network tab shows HTTP code 404, while getting plugins/fastpath/workgroup-summary.jsp. What could be the problem?
The plugin version 4.4.3 shows settings, but throws an exception while clicking on workgroup edit button.

What version of openfire are you running?


4.4.1, I'm using docker image from gizmotronic: https://hub.docker.com/r/gizmotronic/openfire/

Just tried out the 4.4.0 docker image, works well. Seems that 4.4.1 does some curious things.

It was compiled with openfire 4.3 in order to support Openfire 4.3.2 which is still in wide use. Looks like 4.4.1 will need a new build. My dev platform is still on 4.4.0

Just tried out the 4.4.0 docker image, works well. Seems that 4.4.1 does some curious things.

Oops, I was accidentally using the plugin version 4.4.3 with Openfire 4.4.0. After updating the plugin to 4.4.4 it's the same blank page as with Openfire 4.4.1, even after a clean install.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. create docker-compose.yml with following content:
  image: gizmotronic/openfire:4.4.1
    - "9090:9090"
    - "5222:5222"
    - "7777:7777"
  1. docker-compose up and browse to localhost:9090
  2. Run setup with predefined values
  3. install fastpath service plugin from available plugins menu
  4. see the blank page after clicking on the Fastpath menu button :-(

I was able to reproduce by deleting my local build and adding the plugin from the admin web console. Reopening Maven build issue #6 .


I have placed the file web.xml in src/web/WEB-INF folder of plugin source and started the build locally with mvn clean package. After installing the plugin from jar file there was finally no more blank page.

For anyone else, please use the jar file here

Will it be replaced on the site?

No. That wont happen until issue #13 is fixed. It looks like it might just be a simple case of adding the missing web.xml file. I can do that next time I work on the fastpath plugin.