
Vocal room command on ofmeet page and auto-connect

ClaudeStabile opened this issue · 2 comments


This is an enhancement i used to have since a while with Free-Solutions. I am now suggesting to add this feature in ofmeet plugin. The core advantage is no typing and say same word, you get connected !
You can experiment the system at https://call.free-solutions.org with chrome or android
Slice of code i am using

<script> function startDictation() { if (window.hasOwnProperty('webkitSpeechRecognition')) { var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); recognition.continuous = false; recognition.interimResults = false; recognition.lang = "fr_FR"; recognition.start(); recognition.onresult = function(e) { document.getElementById('transcript').value = e.results[0][0].transcript; var resultat = document.getElementById('transcript').value; window.location.replace("https://call.free-solutions.org/" + resultat + "?lang=fr"); recognition.stop(); }; recognition.onerror = function(e) { recognition.stop(); } } } </script>


Nice to have : In the meeting settings with OF console pls add

  • Language setup for the API
  • image for Micro button and associated TEXT / Help

Hope to catch up interest for this addon.
