
iam having this issue i don't know what can be the problem "Timeout while trying to fetch archived messages. Retry"

Kafindo opened this issue · 13 comments

You have change this option on your pade


I am having same issue with Pade 1.6.6 with local storage set or indexedDB
Any clue or recomendation to fix this ?

This error looks like an issue with Openfire Monitoring plugin. Is it installed and working out. I cannot replicate this error on my dev PC.


I have updated https://github.com/igniterealtime/openfire-pade-plugin/releases/tag/v0.9.12-snapshot with latest version of pade plugin version 1.6.7

Also try and avoid indexedDB. It is very, much slower than localStorage. Only use it if 5MB limit of localStorage becomes an issue.

I have updated https://github.com/igniterealtime/openfire-pade-plugin/releases/tag/v0.9.12-snapshot with latest version of pade plugin version 1.6.7

Also try and avoid indexedDB. It is very, much slower than localStorage. Only use it if 5MB limit of localStorage becomes an issue.


Thanks for your reply, i will try out Padé latest and do database settings as recommended. I have provided an access to an environement with the problem if this could help analysis

Thanks a lot !


That's what i did. But unless a drop the ofmeet folder and restart OF OFMEET tab does not show up. Maybe it is caused by the roll back, i am using same DB. I am now rebuilding a customized jar of course it ease customisation redeploiements
Thanks a lot for hints and clues. I will stay with 4.6.0 for now. Monitoring plugin issue will probably be fixed and it is not a big issue. 4.6.0 beta has the same "Retry" problem, i ve tried it if this could help analysis.
4.5.2 seems to be fine with tests i did so far so ww have a solution if needed
BTW geolocalisation, PWA is working fine with these versions

Thanks a lot for efforts done :)

Thank you for reporting this. https://deleolajide.github.io/pade/ has now been upgraded from 1.6.2 to 1.6.8.
Please test again whenever you can and reopen if it is still an issue