Term 2 Final Project @CodeImmersives

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Unsplash API - used to get random pictures

This project consists of 2 parts:

  1. Backend - Node server with Express and MongoDB;
  2. Frontend - React and Semantic UI

Node packages used in this project:


  1. jsonwebtoken - secure communication between frontend and backend
  2. bcryptjs - password encryption
  3. cors - an Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS
  4. mongoose - MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment
  5. axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js(alternative to fetch)


  1. react-moment - React component for the moment date library. Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript
  2. react-confetti - Confetti without the cleanup
  3. react-image-puzzle - React component for simple swap tile puzzle out of an image
  4. react-toastify - React-Toastify allow you to add notification to your app with ease
  5. react-webcam - Webcam component for React
  6. semantic-ui-react - React version of Semantic UI framework

Available routes: \

! Token generated whenever user logins or registers. By default token doesn't have expiration date
  • GET
    • /randompic - returns JSON of random picture from Unsplash API (Access key is required to use this API)
    • /gallery/:token - returns JSON with pictures from MongoDB for registered user. Token is used for validation on backend
  • POST
    • /savepicture - saves picture in DB and returns that picture JSON
    • /savephoto - saves photo from Photobooth component
    • /login - handles login and returns JSON Web Token and stores it in localstorage of the browser
    • /register - creates user in DB, returns JSON Web Token and stores it in localstorage of the browser
  • PUT
    • /updatestatus - changes status of a picture in DB
    • /deletepicture/:token/:id - deletes picture from DB

How to make it work locally:

  1. Fork and clone both repos
  2. Install all dependencies (type npm install in respective directories)
  3. Create .env file in the root of backend folder
    • .env file holds all values that you want to hide from the user.
    • Populate file with following:

      JWT_SECRET = 'any string'
      MONGODB_URI = 'path to your MongoDB storage'
      ACCESS_KEY = 'Access key from Unsplash'

  4. Now start both servers by typing npm start in both backend and frontend