DTAC (Docopt Trello API CLI)

DTAC (Docopt Trello API CLI)

  base.py member-boards
  base.py boards [--create=<data>]
  base.py boards <id>
  base.py boards <id> [--delete | --update=<data>]
  base.py boards <id> [<nested-entity>]
  base.py cards [--create=<data>]
  base.py cards <id>
  base.py cards <id> [--delete | --update=<data>]
  base.py cards <id> [<nested-entity> --create=<data>]
  base.py (-h | --help)
  base.py --version

  -h --help     Show this screen.
  --version     Show version.


To access the Trello API you will need a key and a token - for more info on generating these check Trello's Developer API Keys. The CLI expects two environment variables, TRELLO_KEY & TRELLO_TOKEN- if not set a message will be displayed.

To add a card with labels on board Y to the X column with labels and a comment:

  • cd into source folder and install requirements - pip install -r requirements.txt
  • all of the following commands should be preceded by python trello-cli/base.py
  • fetch all boards and explore ids - member-boards
  • fetch all of the lists on a board (and find id) - boards <board-id> lists
  • fetch all of the labels on a board (and find ids) - boards <board-id> labels
  • create a card on a list - cards --create='{"name": <card-name>, "idList":<list-id>, "idLabels":[<label-id-1>, <label-id-2>]}'
  • add a comment to the card - cards <card-id> comments --create='{"text": <comment-text>}'

Future development

  • find how to refresh the Trello token (it has been exposed in this repo in previous commits)
  • explore the whole Trello API
  • explore if the current CLI format is good enough
  • explore ways to improve the docopt help message - this and this
  • ideally new request types & endpoints can be implemented by only changing the docopt help message - the current challenge is to find a better way to handle paths like /members/me/boards & /actions/comments
  • expose Trello's key and token config as docopt options and fallback to environment variables
  • add proper nested entities support - currently any value is allowed for a nested entity, but these should be restricted depending on the command
  • make the CLI installable
  • choose a test framework and start adding tests
  • single source of truth - read the docopt help message from this readme - that way a change here would be reflected directly in the code!
  • implement the whole Trello API
  • logging + verbose options
  • custom colors, formatting, others