creating valid application's keys: create file ovh.conf: [default] ;general configuration: default endpoint endpoint=ovh-eu ;ovh-eu for OVH Europe API ;ovh-ca for OVH North-America API ;soyoustart-eu for So you Start Europe API ;soyoustart-ca for So you Start North America API ;kimsufi-eu for Kimsufi Europe API ;kimsufi-ca for Kimsufi North America API [ovh-eu] ;configuration specific to 'ovh-eu' endpoint application_key=my_app_key application_secret=my_application_secret ;uncomment following line when writing a script application ;with a single consumer key. ;consumer_key=my_consumer_key Install python ovh lib: pip install ovh Then run python-script (for all methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT - FULL ACCESS(!) ) and follow steps: # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import ovh # create a client using configuration client = ovh.Client() # Request RO, /me API access ck = client.new_consumer_key_request() ck.add_recursive_rules(ovh.API_READ_WRITE, '/') # Request token validation = ck.request() print "Please visit %s to authenticate" % validation['validationUrl'] raw_input("and press Enter to continue...") # Print nice welcome message print "Welcome", client.get('/me')['firstname'] print "Btw, your 'consumerKey' is '%s'" % validation['consumerKey'] or like so: curl -s -H "Content-type: application/json" --header "X-Ovh-Application:YOURAPPLICATIONKEY" --data '{"accessRules":[{"method":"GET","path":"/*"},{"method":"POST","path":"/*"},{"method":"PUT","path":"/*"},{"method":"DELETE","path":"/*"}]}' | python -m json.tool response: { "consumerKey": "YOURCOMSUMERKEYWILLBEHERE", "state": "pendingValidation", "validationUrl": "" } After that you can do everything you want via OVH API.