
Tool to automatically generate and publish music using AI.

musikai 🤖🎵

musikai is a tool to automatically generate and publish music using AI.

📌 This repository contains only the documentation of the project, as the source code is private. 📫 If you are interested in using this tool, please reach out to me at igolaizola.com/#contact, @igolaizola on Twitter, or @igolaizola on Telegram.

📢 Join my Telegram group for support and collaboration: t.me/igohub

🎬 Demo

Musikai Demo

🔍 Overview

Musikai allows users to go from zero to publishing an album in digital music stores.

The steps to generate an album would be this:

  1. Generate: use generate command to automatically generate hundreds of songs given a style or prompt.
  2. Process: analyses the music to detect possible problems (long silences, unexpected BPM changes, etc), generating wave images, apply fade-outs and mastering the music.
  3. Filter songs: Using the web app the user must approve the songs, with the help of the process data and the music itself. Every generated song has 2 endings, the best one being already selected, but it can also be changed.
  4. Song titles: Song titles must be imported from an external csv or json file. The user can make them up or use external tools like ChatGPT.
  5. Drafts: Album drafts with information such as title and optional subtitle and number of volumes must be also imported from an external csv or json file.
  6. Covers: Cover generation takes titles from album drafts and uses midjourney to generate images.
  7. Upscale covers: Once images are generated an upscale process uses Topaz Photo AI to upscale the images.
  8. Filter covers: Using the web app the user must approve the covers.
  9. Album generation: A command tool takes everything that has been generated and approved (songs, titles, drafts and covers) and generates albums.
  10. Filter albums: Using the web app the user must approve the albums. Songs can be added or deleted during this process.
  11. Publish: Albums are published to DistroKid automatically. In case you want to review before submitting, you can choose to press the button manually.
  12. Sync: Once albums and songs are processed by DistroKid use sync command to obtain album UPC code and song ISRC codes and store them in the database.

🕹️ Commands

To see the list of available commands, run the following:

./musikai --help

To see the list of available options for a command, run the following:

./musikai {command} --help

These help commands will show you always the latest options and commands available. This README may be outdated, so it is recommended to use the help commands.

Common options

The following options can be found in most commands:

type (string)

This value is used to classify songs. It can be a just style like jazz, an identifier like jazz-test-01 or whatever you want. It is provided during the generation and then used to build the album or choose the DistroKid styles of the songs.

db-type (string) and db-conn (string)

  • db-type (string): The type of the database. It can be postgres, mysql, or sqlite.
  • db-conn (string): The connection string to the database. It must include the database name, the user, and the password. For sqlite, it must include the path to the sqlite file.

Example of a connection string for cockroachdb:


fs-type (string) and fs-conn (string)

  • fs-type (string): The type of the file storage. It can be telegram, s3 or local.
  • fs-conn (string): The connection string to the file storage.
    • For telegram: token@chat_id
    • For s3: key:secret@bucket.region
    • For local: /path/to/directory

proxy (string)

The HTTP proxy to use. For example, http://localhost:3128. This is optional.

debug (bool)

If set to true, the application will output debug information.


The generate command is used to generate songs. You can specify the number of songs to generate, the account to use, the type of song, the prompt, and whether to use manual mode or not. If you use manual mode, the prompt will be directly used in the generation without applying any AI modifications to it.

Suno generates first a fragment of around 2 minutes. Udio generates first a fragment of around 30 seconds. Then you can extend this fragments multiple times. There are some parameters to control how this extensions are done:

  • Duration of the song: min-duration and max-duration is used to continue extending or stop extending depending on the current total duration.
  • Number of extensions: max-extensions forces to end the generation once the maximum number of extensions is reached.

Suno has a specific parameter to control the end of the song:

  • Final style and lyrics: In order to tell suno that you want to end the song you have to explicitly indicate it in the lyrics and/or style section.
    • Parameters end-style, end-style-append and end-lyrics are applied when minimum duration is reached and it is the first extension.
    • Parameters force-end-style and force-end-lyrics are applied when minimum duration is reached and it isn't the first extension.

Udio needs a captcha resolver to bypass the captcha. You can use nopecha to solve the captcha manually or 2captcha to use a service to solve the captcha. Captcha providers connect to your computer using a proxy. The tool starts a local server that the captcha provider connects to. You need to have ngrok installed in your computer so the tool can expose the local server to the captcha provider. You can avoid this by using the same proxy both in proxy and captcha-proxy.

./musikai generate --config generate.yaml
# generate.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory
concurrency: 1
wait-min: 1s
wait-max: 2s
limit: 20
account: account-name
provider: suno # suno or udio
type: jazz
prompt: nostalgic mood ambient jazz
manual: true
min-duration: 2m5s
max-duration: 3m55s
max-extensions: 1
# suno specific parameters
end-lyrics: "[end]"
end-style: ". End." # leave empty to use copy the song style
end-style-append: true # append the value instead of replacing it
force-end-lyrics: "[end]"
force-end-style: short, end # leave empty to use copy the song style
# udio specific parameters
captcha-key: captcha-service-key
captcha-provider: nopecha # nopecha or 2captcha
captcha-proxy: http://proxy-url # optional

You can also use a csv/json file to use multiple prompts or styles. The generator will choose randomly from the list of prompts or styles. Weights can be used to make some prompts or styles more likely to be chosen.

# generate.yaml
# same as before but without type, prompt, style
input: /path/to/file.csv

The file must have the following format:

10,jazz,nostalgic mood ambient jazz,,true
5,lofi,lofi chill,,true


The process command is used to post-process the songs. These are the steps that are performed:

  • Detect if the song ends abruptly and apply a fade-out.
  • Detect if the song has long silences and flag it.
  • Detect if the song has unexpected BPM changes and flag it.
  • Mastering of the song.
  • Generate wave images.
  • Upload the processed songs and images to the file storage.
./musikai process --config process.yaml
# process.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory
concurrency: 1
short-fadeout: 1s
long-fadeout: 6s

Web app

The web command is used to launch a web application to manage the songs, covers and albums. This is used to manually approve or reject songs, covers and albums. Use the creds option to set the username and password to access the web app. Use the volumes option to mount external directories in the web app.

./musikai web --config web.yaml
# web.yaml
debug: false
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory
addr: :1337
creds: user1:pass1,user2:pass2
volumes: ./my-data:/data,./my-app:/app


The setting command is used to store settings such as the cookie for Suno or DistroKid.

./musikai setting --config setting.yaml
# setting.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
service: suno/distrokid
account: accountname
value: cookievalue


The title command is used to import song titles from a csv or json file.

./musikai title --config title.yaml
# title.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
input: /path/to/file.csv

The file must have the following fields:

  • Type is the classification of the songs.
  • Style is the style of the song (optional).
  • Title is the name of the song.
jazz,nostalgic mood ambient jazz,Blue Moon Over The City
jazz,nostalgic mood ambient jazz,The Night We Met


The draft command is used to import album drafts from a csv or json file.

./musikai draft --config draft.yaml
# draft.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
input: /path/to/file.csv

The file must have the following fields:

  • Type is the classification of the songs.
  • Title is the main name of the album.
  • Subtitle is an additional text that is added in the cover of the album using font text.
  • Volumes is the maximum number of volumes that can be released with the same title and subtitle. The volume number is also added in the cover of the album using font text.
jazz,Blue Moon Over The City,,
jazz,The Night We Met,,


The cover command is used to generate covers for the albums. Midjourney is used to generate the images.

./musikai cover --config cover.yaml
# cover.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
template: Album cover. The album title "{TITLE}" should be in large, bold letters at the center, ensuring it's highly visible and legible. Don't add artist names.
input: /path/to/file.csv
minimum: 4 # minimum number of covers to generate
concurrency: 3
limit: 100 # total number of covers to generate
wait-min: 3s # minimum wait time between requests
wait-max: 5s # maximum wait time between requests
session: session.yaml # see how to configure midjourney session

The template can be any text that includes the {title} or {TITLE} (for uppercase) placeholders. The title will be replaced with the title of the album.

You can provide an input csv or json file with the map of which template to use for each type.

jazz,Jazz album cover with album title "{TITLE}".
edm,Electronic Dance Music album cover with album title "{TITLE}".


The upscale command is used to upscale the covers using Topaz Photo AI.

./musikai upscale --config upscale.yaml
# upscale.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory
concurrency: 1
upscale-type: topaz # realesrgan can also be used
upscale-bin: /path/to/topaz # optional, only needed if topaz is not in the default path


The album command is used to generate albums.

You can specify the minimum and maximum number of songs, the type of album, the artist, the font to use, the overlay to use and the genres to use.

./musikai album --config album.yaml
# album.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory
min-songs: 9
max-songs: 10
type: jazz
artist: Jazz-o-matic
font: fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf
overlay: overlays/jazz-o-matic.png
genres: genres.csv

The genres file must a json or csv file with the fields type, primary, and secondary. Secondary is optional.

lullaby,Children's Music,,

The genres must match the exactly one of the DistroKid genres.

Big Band
Children's Music
Fitness & Workout
French Pop
German Folk
German Pop
Hip Hop/Rap
Latin Urban
New Age
Spoken Word

Album cover

If you want to use a specific cover for the album, you can use the cover-albumcommand to override the existing cover.

./musikai cover-album --config cover-album.yaml
# cover-album.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory
id: album-id
cover: /path/to/cover.jpg

Album delete

If you want to delete an album, you can use the delete-album command. The songs and covers will be updated so they can be used in other albums.

./musikai delete-album --config delete-album.yaml
# delete-album.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
id: album-id


The publish command is used to publish the albums to DistroKid. This command will open a browser window to DistroKid website and automatically fill the forms to publish the album. If you set auto to true, the command will submit the album automatically. If you set auto to false, the command will wait fill the forms and wait for you to click the submit button.

./musikai publish --config publish.yaml
# publish.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory
auto: true
account: distrokid-account
first-name: John
last-name: Doe
record-label: Jazz-o-matic
type: jazz


The sync command is used to obtain the following data from DistroKid and digital stores:

  • Album UPC code
  • Song ISRC codes
  • Spotify ID
  • Spotify song features
  • Apple Music ID
  • YouTube ID

The album must have been already published to digital stores in order to obtain the codes.

./musikai sync --config sync.yaml
# sync.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
account: distrokid-account


The download command is used to download the songs from the file storage. File names will be created using the database IDs.

./musikai download --config download.yaml
# download.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory
output: /path/to/output

Album download

The album-download command is used to download the album cover and songs from the file storage. File names will be created using the album name and the song title.

./musikai album-download --config album-download.yaml
# album-download.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db
fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory
output: /path/to/output


The migrate command is used to create the tables in the database. Run this command once to create the tables. Run this command again whenever you update the application to apply new migrations.

./musikai migrate --config migrate.yaml
# migrate.yaml
debug: false
db-type: sqlite
db-conn: musikai.db

🛠️ Setup


You need to have the following software installed and available in your PATH:



You can use apt-get (linux), brew (mac) or scoop (windows) to install ffmpeg.

# linux
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
# mac
brew install ffmpeg
# windows
scoop install ffmpeg



You can use apt-get (linux), brew (mac) or scoop (windows) to install aubio.

# linux
sudo apt-get install aubio
# mac
brew install aubio
# windows
scoop install aubio



To install phaselimiter on linux you can use this installation script: https://github.com/igolaizola/phaselimiter/blob/master/script/full-install-linux.sh

To install phaselimiter on mac you can use this installation script: https://github.com/igolaizola/phaselimiter/blob/master/script/full-install-mac.sh This won't work on mac with M1 or M2 chips.

For windows you can download these precompiled binaries: https://github.com/ai-mastering/phaselimiter/releases/download/v0.2.0/phaselimiter-win.zip


You need to configure a Suno account to generate songs

You need to capture the cookie from Suno website.

  1. Go to https://suno.com/
  2. Login if you are not already logged in
  3. Open the developer tools (F12)
  4. Go to the "Network" tab
  5. Refresh the page
  6. Click on the first request to https://clerk.suno.com/v1/client?_clerk_js_version=4.70.1
  7. Go to the "Request Headers"
  8. Copy the "cookie" header

Then you must store the cookie in your database. You can use the command setting to store the cookie in the settings table. Pass the cookie as the value and choose a name for the account.

./musikai setting --config cookie.yaml
# cookie.yaml
debug: false
db-type: see common options
db-conn: see common options
service: suno
account: accountname
value: cookievalue


You need to configure a Udio account to generate songs

You need to capture the cookie from Udio website.

  1. Go to https://www.udio.com/
  2. Login if you are not already logged in
  3. Open the developer tools (F12)
  4. Go to the "Network" tab
  5. Refresh the page
  6. Click on the first request to https://www.udio.com/api/users/current
  7. Go to the "Request Headers"
  8. Copy the "cookie" header

Then you must store the cookie in your database. You can use the command setting to store the cookie in the settings table. Pass the cookie as the value and choose a name for the account.

./musikai setting --config cookie.yaml
# cookie.yaml
debug: false
db-type: see common options
db-conn: see common options
service: udio
account: accountname
value: cookievalue

Captcha resolver

Udio needs a captcha resolver to bypass the captcha. You can use either https://nopecha.com or https://2captcha.com as the captcha provider. Create an account in any of the services and obtain the API key.

# settings to be added to generate.yaml
captcha-key: captcha-service-key
captcha-provider: nopecha # nopecha or 2captcha

Ngrok tunnel

The captcha provider needs a way to connect to your computer. This is because both the requests to udio and requests to the captcha provider must come from the same IP address. By default it will use ngrok to expose a local server to the internet.

To install ngrok, go to https://ngrok.com/download and follow the instructions. You also need to create an account in ngrok and obtain the authtoken. To authenticate with ngrok, go to https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/your-authtoken and copy the token.

ngrok authtoken your-authtoken

Alternatively, you can use a proxy to connect to the captcha provider. The proxy must be accessible from the internet and must be used in the proxy option as well as in the captcha-proxy option.

# settings to be added to generate.yaml
proxy: http://my-proxy.com
captcha-proxy: http://my-proxy.com


You need to configure a DistroKid account to publish albums.

You need to capture the cookie from DistroKid website.

  1. Go to https://distrokid.com/profile
  2. Login if you are not already logged in
  3. Open the developer tools (F12)
  4. Go to the "Network" tab
  5. Refresh the page
  6. Click on the request to https://distrokid.com/profile/
  7. Go to the "Request Headers"
  8. Copy the "cookie" header

Then you must store the cookie in your database. You can use the command setting to store the cookie in the settings table. Pass the cookie as the value and choose a name for the account.

./musikai setting --config cookie.yaml
# cookie.yaml
debug: false
db-type: see common options
db-conn: see common options
service: distrokid
account: accountname
value: cookievalue


You need to configure a Midjourney account to generate covers. Musikai uses bulkai under the hood to generate the covers.

To generate a session file for midjourney, you need first to install bulkai and then run the following command:

go install github.com/igolaizola/bulkai/cmd/bulkai@latest
bulkai create-session

This will create a session.yaml file in the current directory. You can use this file in the cover command.


Both postgres and mysql are supported. SQLite is also supported but it is not recommended for production.

Once you have choosen your database provider you must create a database and a user with read/write access to the database.

GRANT ALL ON DATABASE musikai TO musikai;

Your db-type setting must match your database provider (postgres, mysql, sqlite). Your db-conn setting must match your database connection string, and must include the database name, the user, and the password.

Here is an example of a connection string for postgres:


Once you have created your database, you can use the migrate command to create the tables.

./musikai migrate --db-type {postgres,mysql,sqlite} --db-conn {connection-string,sqlite-file}

File storage

Local storage

Local storage can be used to store the generated assets in any directory in your filesystem. You can even use a google drive folder, a dropbox folder, or any other folder that is mounted in your filesystem.

fs-type: local
fs-conn: /path/to/directory

Telegram storage

Telegram storage can used to store the generated assets in a telegram chat. Use t.me/botfather to create a bot and obtain the token. Then create a chat with the bot and obtain the chat id. You can obtain the chat id by opening the chat on web.telegram.org and looking at the URL. The chat id is the number after https://web.telegram.org/a/#.

fs-type: telegram
fs-conn: token@chat_id

S3 storage

S3 storage can be used to store the generated assets in an AWS S3 bucket.

fs-type: s3
fs-conn: key:secret@bucket.region

Here is a guide to create a bucket on AWS and obtain credentials.

Create a bucket

  1. Go to Buckets: https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets
  2. Click Create bucket
  3. Choose a name and region. For example, "musikai-s3" and "Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1"
  4. Click Create bucket

Obtain credentials

  1. Go to "Identity and Access Management (IAM)": https://eu-central-1.console.aws.amazon.com/iamv2
  2. Select "Users" from "Access Management"
  3. Click "Add users"
  4. Choose a name and click Next. For example, "musikai-s3-service"
  5. Select "Attach policies directly" and choose "AmazonS3FullAccess"
  6. Click Next and then Create user
  7. Click on the user name you just created
  8. Click on "Security credentials" tab
  9. Click on "Create access key"
  10. Select "Application running outside AWS".
  11. Add a description and click "Create access key". For example "musikai-s3-service-key"
  12. Copy the "Access key ID" and "Secret access key" and save them in a safe place.

⚠️ Disclaimer

The automation of User Discord accounts also known as self-bots is a violation of Discord Terms of Service & Community guidelines and will result in your account(s) being terminated.

The automation of Midjourney and Suno accounts is also a violation of their Terms of Service and will result in your account(s) being terminated.

Read about Discord, Midjourney and Suno Terms of Service and Community Guidelines

The authors are released of any liabilities which your usage may entail.