

Primary LanguageJava



  • raw and type safe TServiceClient pool
  • Multi backend servers support
  • Backend servers replace on the fly
  • Backend route by hash or random
  • Failover and failback support

Get Started

mvn dependency


java code sample

public class ThriftMain {
	 public static void main(String[] args) throws TException {
	        // customize pool config
	        GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig poolConfig = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig();
	        // ... customize pool config here
	        // customize transport, while if you expect pooling the connection, you should use TFrameTransport.
	        Function<ThriftServerInfo, TTransport> transportProvider = new Function<ThriftServerInfo, TTransport>() {

				public TTransport apply(ThriftServerInfo info) {
					// TODO Auto-generated method stub
					TSocket socket = new TSocket(info.getHost(), info.getPort());
		            return socket;

	        Function<List<ThriftServerInfo>, List<ThriftServerInfo>> addElementFunction =
			        new Function<List<ThriftServerInfo>, List<ThriftServerInfo>>() {
			          public List<ThriftServerInfo> apply(List<ThriftServerInfo> list) {
			        	  return Arrays.asList(//
					                ThriftServerInfo.of("", 8080)//
					                // or you can return a dynamic result.
	        Supplier<List<ThriftServerInfo>> list  = Suppliers.compose(addElementFunction, new Supplier<List<ThriftServerInfo>>(){

				public List<ThriftServerInfo> get() {
					// TODO Auto-generated method stub
					return Arrays.asList(//
			                ThriftServerInfo.of("", 8080)//
			                // or you can return a dynamic result.
//		 System.out.println("list1 "+list.get());
//		 System.out.println("list2 "+list.get());
		 ThriftClient thriftClient = new ThriftClientImpl( list,new DefaultThriftConnectionPoolImpl(poolConfig, transportProvider));

Special Thanks

perlmonk with his great team gives me a huge help. (https://github.com/PhantomThief/thrift-pool-client)