
Django 1.11+ basic project

Primary LanguagePython

Django 1.11+ basic project

This is a simple Django 1.11+ basic project with my preferred setup.


  • Django 1.11
  • Support Docker (only development container)
  • Get value insight and debug information while on Development with django-debug-toolbar.
  • Collection of custom extensions with django-extensions.
  • PostgreSQL database support with psycopg2.
  • Integrated with django-rest-framework
  • Sign in, Sign up, Account Page

Installing using Docker

You need to have docker (1.10.0+) and docker-compose (1.6.0+) installed.

You can install the application using the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/igor-chepurnoi/django-basic.git
cd django-basic
cp .env{.dist,}
cp docker-compose.override.yml{.dist,}
docker-compose up --build

In .env file your need to set your UID. You can get your UID by the following command in the terminal: id -u <username>

It may take some minutes to download the required docker images. When done, you need to apply migrations as follows:

docker exec -it django-basic-web-container bash
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py loaddata project/apps/*/fixtures/*.json

After this steps, you need to create security.py file in the project/settings/local directory with the following content:


After this steps, you can access your app from

For enable debug toolbar you need to create debug_toolbar.py file in the project/settings/local directory with the following content:

# This is a Gateway address of django-basic-web-container, you can check it by the following command - docker inspect django-basic-web-container