Angular 2 Multiselect component


  • Clone repository
  • Install nodejs
  • Run npm install
  • Run gulp build task


import {Multiselect} from './multiselect';

    selector: 'demo-component',
    directives: [Multiselect]

export default class DemoComponent {
    multiselectModel: Array<any> = [];
    parentCompoentMethod(multiselectModel: any) {
        this.multiselectModel1 = multiselectModel;

API Documentation

Attribute Name Type Description
multiple true/false If value is true we can select many items, if false only one item
collection array A list of objects for multiselect
label string Key of a object which will be displayed for item
header string Header of multiselect (Default value 'Select')
mutiselectModel array/object Value of model from used component
modelUpdated function Function from used compoent which will update 'multiselectModel' value

Demo & How To

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