
Async sorting of javscript/typescript imports in Neovim

Primary LanguageLua


What it does

This plugin will sort you (type|java)script imports using the import-sort program. You can sort synchronously or asynchronously by passing true or false (true for async, false for sync) to the sort_import function. It also provides a :Sort command which will asynchronously sort your imports.

The plugin requires that you have the import-sort program installed either in your project, or globally on your machine. It will first look for the program in $PWD/node_modules, then <git_project_root>/node_modules, and finally it will try and see if it is in the $PATH.

Suggested import-sort styles

import-sort-cli import-sort-parser-babylon import-sort-parser-typescript import-sort-style-renke


Using your plugin manager:

Using vim-plug Plug 'jamestthompson3/sort-import.nvim'

Using packer.nvim use {'jamestthompson3/sort-import.nvim', config = function() require'sort-import'.setup() end}

Using dein call dein#add('jamestthompson/sort-import.nvim')


In lua:

require'sort-import'.setup() -- setup to have access to the :Sort command, not necessary if you put this in packer.nvim's config option for the plugin

require'sort-import'.sort_import() -- for synchronous sorting
require'sort-import'.sort_import(true) -- for asynchronous sorting

In viml:

lua require'sort-import'.setup()  " setup to have access to the :Sort command, not necessary if you put this in packer.nvim's config option for the plugin

lua require'sort-import'.sort_import() " for synchronous sorting
lua require'sort-import'.sort_import(true) " for asynchronous sorting


If you're not on at least 61aea004d of Neovim nightly, you may run into some issues with treesitter highlighting and sorting asynchronously.