This project is a wearable bracelet that vibrates with the intensity of a music, with the goal to help deaf people to feel the music. He was developed on the Instrumentation and Control class (2017.2) of the Automation and Systems Departament (DAS), at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Brazil. This GitHub repository has the objective to share all the progress and try to find partners to continue the project.
It is a bracelet, manufactured on a 3D printer, with sensors that measure the ambient sound and process all the informations on an Arduino, the information processed is amplified by some transistors and sended by PWM to the DC motor. The DC motor is builded to vibrate (it's obtained from a old Playstation 1 control).
The video below can help you to understand everything (in portuguese):
- Video - Projeto de instrumentação | DAS | UFSC - PULSEira
- Arduino codes
- Processing codes
- Eletronic board on Eagle
- 3D SolidWorks files
This project is open to anyone that want to help, but I recommend you to send me a message.