
Search for transients using the kowalski database

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Search for transients using the kowalski database.

Required software

Python 3.6 or later version

Required packages

ligo.skymap (0.1.11, or any version that properly supports multi-resolution skymaps)

Query skymap

usage: query_skymap.py [-h] [--skymap SKYMAP_FILENAME] [--level LEVEL]
[--fov FOV] [--ra-center RA_CENTER [RA_CENTER ...]]
[--dec-center DEC_CENTER [DEC_CENTER ...]]
[--radius RADIUS] [--after-trigger AFTER_TRIGGER]
[--jd-trigger JD_TRIGGER] [--min-days MIN_DAYS]
[--max-days MAX_DAYS] [--ndethist NDETHIST_MIN]
[--slices SLICES] [--out OUT]

Query kowalski with cone searches within a LIGO/Virgo skymap contour.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--skymap SKYMAP_FILENAME Skymap filename
--level LEVEL Enclosed probability
--fov FOV Field of view of each cone (radius, in arcmin)
--ra-center RA_CENTER [RA_CENTER ...] Right ascension of the center (array, in degrees)
--dec-center DEC_CENTER [DEC_CENTER ...] Declination of the center (array, in degrees)
--radius RADIUS Search radius (min), by default radius = fov
--after-trigger AFTER_TRIGGER Query only alerts whose first detection occurred after a certain date. If this boolean value is True, then --jd-trigger must be given (default=True).
--jd-trigger JD_TRIGGER Julian Day of the trigger. If not given, it will be
read from the skymap header.
--min-days MIN_DAYS Minimum time (days) between the first and last alert
--max-days MAX_DAYS Maximum time (days) between the first and last alert
--within-days WITHIN_DAYS Maximum time (days) between the jd-trigger and the
first alert
--ndethist NDETHIST_MIN Minimum number of detections
--slices SLICES Number (integer) of slices in which the query will be devided
--out OUT Output filename
--ingest INGEST Use with caution! Ingest the candidates to the
scanning page on the GROWTH marshal
--ingest-program INGEST_PROGRAM Ingest the candidates to the scanning page of the
given GROWTH marshal program
--phi PHI Phi angle rotation of the skymap
--theta THETA Theta angle rotation of the skymap

example: python query_skymap.py --skymap LALInference.fits.gz --level 90 --slice 20 --min-days 0.02 --max-days 30. --within-days 2.0

Check skymap


Query CLU

usage: query_clu.py [-h] [--radius RADIUS] [--min-days MIN_DAYS]
[--max-days MAX_DAYS] [--min-dist MIN_DIST]
[--max-dist MAX_DIST] [--min-dec MIN_DEC]
[--slices SLICES]
Query kowalski with cone searces centred on CLU galaxies.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--radius RADIUS Search radius (arcmin)
--min-days MIN_DAYS Minimum time (days) between the first and last alert
--max-days MAX_DAYS Maximum time (days) between the first and last alert
--min-dist MIN_DIST Minimum distance(Mpc) of the CLU galaxies to explore
--max-dist MAX_DIST Maximum distance(Mpc) of the CLU galaxies to explore
--min-dec MIN_DEC Minimum declination (celestial, deg) of the CLU
galaxies to explore
--slices SLICES Number (integer) of slices in which the query will be

Query FRB

usage: query_frb.py [-h] --cat CAT_NAME [--frb FRB_NAMES [FRB_NAMES ...]]
[--out OUT] [--out-lc OUT_LC] [--r SEARCH_RADIUS]
[--ndethist NDETHIST] [--p PLOT] [--um USE_METADATA]
[--sp SAVEPLOT] [--reject-neg REJECT_NEG]

Query kowalski with cone searces to find transients possibly associated
with FRBs reported in FRBCat(http://frbcat.org)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cat CAT_NAME CSV file downloaded from the FRBcat page
Names of specific FRBs to check
--out OUT output JSON file name; example: results.json
--out-lc OUT_LC output CSV file name; example: lc.csv
--r SEARCH_RADIUS Cone search radius in arcmin (default=15)
--ndethist NDETHIST Minimum number of detections (default=2)
--p PLOT Plot the results? (boolean)
--um USE_METADATA Plot upper limits using ztfquery metadata (boolean)
--sp SAVEPLOT Save the plot of the results? (boolean)
--reject-neg REJECT_NEG
Reject candidates with negative detections? (boolean)

Plot volume

plot_volume.py is a snippet to plot the explored volume in a given time frame as the number of observed field is reduced.
Limitation: overheads are calculated only for field switch and there is no limit to the exptime on a given field.