- 3
Sync Engine Support
#122 opened by kdcokenny - 0
Displaying json response schema in swagger UI
#183 opened by Mumbawa - 2
Duplicate Values when use relationship type one-to-many in a JoinConfig with get_multi_joined
#141 opened by gr1nch3 - 2
Rename "data" to "items" in multi response
#155 opened by feluelle - 0
Upgrade github actions to node20 (upcoming node16 EOL)
#179 opened by Zatura - 1
Can the response format be standardized?
#137 opened by fzbird - 1
He utilizado tu repositorio en mi proyecto
#156 opened by techotaku1 - 1
- 1
SA error if there's no `deleted_at_column` when using delete CRUD operation
#148 opened by jd-solanki - 1
upsert_multi doesn't commit
#170 opened by konradbeck-creditech - 3
- 0
Value Error when using get_multi_joined
#172 opened by moses966 - 0
Sorting nested data one-to-many
#171 opened by Qwiko - 5
Query OR conditional between multiple field
#117 opened by Justinianus2001 - 3
- 3
FastCRUD seems to only be compatible with fastapi>=0.100.0,<0.112.0, is it intentional?
#165 opened by Mumbawa - 3
Join list of objects
#121 opened by JakNowy - 5
Supporting geoalchemy2
#74 opened by neatek - 3
Update method 'column' variable overwritten
#157 opened by theos15 - 0
- 2
- 2
- 11
- 0
Improving Static Typing Support
#147 opened by jd-solanki - 0
Deep Multi Joined Nested
#142 opened by garryismael - 2
disable specific crud methods?
#144 opened by LeiYangGH - 3
[docs] explain rest api url schema design
#143 opened by LeiYangGH - 0
- 7
upsert multi
#110 opened by feluelle - 2
- 0
Missing type parsing to dynamic filter
#126 opened by Tuckdu - 3
get_multi is not typed
#123 opened by jakaline-dev - 3
Return model on update
#106 opened by feluelle - 2
- 1
Adding Response Model - Return Type
#113 opened by otabek-olimjonov - 12
Other missing SQLAlchemy features
#79 opened by igorbenav - 4
- 0
Apply automatic endpoint filters on joined models
#104 opened by igorbenav - 6
Can do filter with startswith filter?
#83 opened by mithun2003 - 4
- 3
Missing model/schema examples
#72 opened by slaarti - 0
Add support for update relationships
#100 opened by PaleNeutron - 2
Unexpected await_only() issue
#99 opened by iameo - 1
- 0
Nested Join Should Return List When Necessary
#91 opened by igorbenav - 2
nested model
#89 opened by matv864 - 1
Multiple nesting for joins.
#75 opened by JakNowy - 0
- 9
FastCRUD class docs don't match signature
#68 opened by slaarti - 0
Join documentation is out of date
#66 opened by waza-ari