
Automatically generate CRUD-like Vaadin components for any Java Bean

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CRUD UI add-on for Vaadin

Crud UI Add-on provides an API to automatically generate CRUD-like UIs for any Java Bean at runtime.


The API is defined through 4 interfaces:

  • CrudComponent: A Vaadin Component that can be added into any ComponentContainer. This is the actual CRUD final users will see on the browser.

  • CrudListener: Encapsulates the CRUD operations. You can implement this interface to delegate CRUD operations to your back-end.

  • CrudLayout: Encapsulates layout-related behaviour.

  • CrudFormFactory: Builds the forms required by the CRUD UI.

Crud UI Add-on includes atnleast one implementation for each of these interfaces (except CrudListener which is an optional "connection point" to your application.

Basic sage

Create a new CrudComponent and add it to a layout (currently, Crud UI Add-on provides only one implementation of the CrudComponent interface: GridBasedCrudComponent):

GridBasedCrudComponent<User> crud = new GridBasedCrudComponent<>(User.class);

Use lambda expressions or method references to delegate CRUD operations to your backend:

crud.setFindAllOperation(() -> backend.findAll());

Advanced usage

As an alternative to lambada expressions you can implement the CrudListener interface to delegate CRUD operations to your backend:

crud.setCrudListener(new CrudListener<User>() {
    public Collection<User> findAll() {
        return backend.findAllUsers();
    public User add(User user) {
        return backend.add(user);

    public User update(User user) {
        return backend.update(user);

    public void delete(User user) {

Use a different CrudLayout implementation:

GridBasedCrudComponent<User> crud = new GridBasedCrudComponent<>(User.class, new HorizontalSplitCrudLayout());

Set a different CrudFormFactory implementation:

GridLayoutCrudFormFactory<User> formFactory = new GridLayoutCrudFormFactory<>(User.class, 2, 2);

Configure the visibility of the fields in the forms:

formFactory.setVisiblePropertyIds(CrudOperation.READ, "name", "birthDate", "email", "groups", "mainGroup", "active");
formFactory.setVisiblePropertyIds(CrudOperation.ADD, "name", "birthDate", "email", "password", "groups", "mainGroup", "active");
formFactory.setVisiblePropertyIds(CrudOperation.UPDATE, "name", "birthDate", "email", "groups", "mainGroup", "active");
formFactory.setVisiblePropertyIds(CrudOperation.DELETE, "name", "email");

Use nested properties:

crud.getGrid().setColumns("name", "birthDate", "email", "mainGroup.name", "active");
crud.getGrid().getColumn("mainGroup.name").setHeaderCaption("Main group");

Configure Grid renderers:

crud.getGrid().getColumn("birthDate").setRenderer(new DateRenderer("%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$te"));

Configure the type of a field:

formFactory.setFieldType("password", PasswordField.class);

Customize fields after their creation:

formFactory.setFieldCreationListener("birthDate", field -> ((DateField) field).setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"));

Define a provider to manually create a field:

formFactory.setFieldProvider("groups", () -> {
    OptionGroup optionGroup = new OptionGroup();
    optionGroup.setContainerDataSource(new BeanItemContainer<>(Group.class, groups));
    return optionGroup;

Customize captions:

formFactory.setButtonCaption(CrudOperation.ADD, "Add new user");
crud.setRowCountCaption("%d user(s) found");


Add-on is distributed under Apache License 2.0. For license terms, see LICENSE.txt.