
Task 0 - Git and GitHub

Get familiar with Git and GitHub.

  1. Finish the course How to use Git and GitHub ✔️ How to Use Git and GitHub Due to this course I have structured my haotic knowledges. I have started usind command line interface for git instead git GUI interfaces and understood some core things. I advise you to print this cheat-sheet and hang it at your workplace and trying using git every day for improve your skills.
  2. Finish try.github.io ✔️
    "Learn git branching" - the best git course what I have seen.

My future git workflow and precis from git courses

Git commands Description
git init initializing repository / creating .git/ directory
git log showing list of existing commits
git status showing current state of repo
git diff showing differences of content
git add adding file to staging area
git commit tracking new files
git branch creating new branch
git checkout switching to another branch, tag or commit
git merge merging two branches (fast-forward)
git rebase merging and rewriting commits history
git clone creating local copy of remote repo
git fork creating remote clone
git fetch downloading changes from remote repo
git pull downloading and merging remote changes to local master
git push uploading all commits to remote repo
git remote list of remote repo of your local repo
git tag creating tag object
git reset reseting current HEAD

Task 1 - Linux, Command Line, HTTP Tools

Learn the Command Line

  1. Finish the course Learn the Command Line ✔️
    Learn the Command Line
    The course of Codecademy helped me to fill white spaces in my knowledges of command line features. Now i feel myself completely free in own terminal, and found out all advantages of use the command line. Also I have customize my terminal, set up aliases and visual interface.
    The most useful command which has simplified my workflow - grep -r.

Read the article 'HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know' ✔️

With the help of these articles I achieved next results:

  • Figured out following terms: HTTP, URL, Host.
  • Studied in details the structure of HTTP request and responce messages.
  • Learned a lot of new information about DNC, TCP, IP, Ethernet.
  • Get new information about the caching process.

This is two good articles, which are good for understanding of basic concepts of http protocols work. In additional to the articles I advise to newbie to check video course from pluralsight Basic HTTP.
HTTP Fundamentals