About test automation task:

UI tests
Requirements for 1 and 2 tests: Should be realized in one test-class

Test 1:

  1. Navigate to https://my.whisk-dev.com/
  2. Sign in
  3. Navigate to Shopping tab
  4. Add 5 popular items
  5. Check by Name that 5 items are added to Shopping list

Test 2:

  1. 1-4 steps from 1 test
  2. Delete Shopping list
  3. Check that user doesn't have Shopping lists

Back-end tests:

Requirements: Create tests in one test-class and relized precondition from 1 step for all back tests
host: https://api.whisk-dev.com/
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer Hp1wwzc0AMBi2YyXE2UPqB2pQQoAyG1GLgf9fbDbtCRXNBNONrfMTLGHNohqaqyx

Test 1:

  1. Create Shoping list POST: /list/v2 body: { "name": "string", "primary": false }
  2. Get Shopping List by id: GET /list/v2/{id}
  3. Verify that response contains necessary id
  4. Verify that Shopping list is empty (content object is empty)

Test 2:

  1. 1 step from Test 1
  2. Delete Shopping list by id DELETE: /list/v2/{id}
  3. Get Shopping List by id: GET /list/v2/{id}
  4. Verify that code response = 200
  5. Verify that response message is 'shoppingList.notFound'

Required Tools

Java 14
Gradle 7.1
allure 2.15.0

Launch of tests

In the root of project put in command prompt:
gradle clean test
./gradlew clean test (if you work at Mac)

Test report

In the root of project put in command prompt:
allure serve build/allure-results/
Then open Behaviors tab and you will see the result.