
iOS App using MVP, Clean Architecture and SOLID Principles

Primary LanguageSwift

Clean Architecture iOS App


App developed following the Swift - TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns, SOLID, MVP Udemy course.

This app uses MVP (Model, View, Presenter) pattern with concepts from Clean Archicterure and SOLID and it was developed using TDD.


  • Domain: Models and UseCases
  • Data: UseCases of Domain's UseCases + Tests
  • Infra: HTTP adapters (here we can use Alamofire, native networking or any other framework to implement the way to get the data) + Tests
  • Presentation: Integration between UI layer and Data layer + Tests
  • UI: screens and components + Tests
  • Validation: validators rules + Tests
  • Main: root and composition layer + Tests

All layers are separated in modules and contains procotols (interfaces) to communicate to others layers.


  • Alamofire: 5.4.1 (via Swift Package Manager)