
Metarhia Common Library

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Metarhia Common Library

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Namespace: api.common in Impress Application Server


$ npm install @metarhia/common

Splits array into two parts

common.splitAt(index, array)

  • index:number - index defining end of first part and start of second
  • array:array - to be splitted

Returns: tuple with two parts of the array

Check is value scalar


  • value - scalar value or Object

Returns: boolean

Copy dataset (copy objects to new array)


  • ds:array of objects - source dataset

Returns: array of objects

Clone Object


  • obj:object or array

Returns: object or array

Duplicate object ot array


  • obj:object or array

Returns: object or array

Read property by dot-separated path

common.getByPath(data, dataPath)

  • data:hash
  • dataPath:string - dot-separated path

Returns: value

Set property by dot-separated path

common.setByPath(data, dataPath, value)

  • data:hash
  • dataPath:string - dot-separated path
  • value - new value

Delete property by dot-separated path

common.deleteByPath(data, dataPath)

  • data:object
  • dataPath:string - dot-separated path

Returns: boolean

Distinct merge multiple arrays


  • args:array of array

Returns: array

Substitute variables

common.subst(tpl, data, dataPath, escapeHtml)

  • tpl:string - template body
  • data:hash - data structure to visualize
  • dataPath:string - current position in data structure
  • escapeHtml:boolean - escape html special characters if true

Returns: string

Escape html characters


  • content:string - to escape

Returns: string

Example: htmlEscape('5>=5') = '5<=5'

Extract file extension in lower case with no dot

common.fileExt(fileName, Result)

  • fileName:string - file name

Returns: string

Example: fileExt('/dir/file.txt')

Result: 'txt'

Remove file extension from file name

common.removeExt(fileName, Result)

  • fileName:string - file name

Returns: string

Example: fileExt('file.txt')

Result: 'file'

Convert spinal case to camel case


  • name:string

Returns: string

Escape regular expression control characters


  • s:string

Returns: string

Example: escapeRegExp('/path/to/res?search=this.that')`

Generate escaped regular expression


  • s:string

Returns: RegExp, instance

Add trailing slash at the end if it has no


  • s:string

Returns: string

Remove trailing slash from string


  • s:string

Returns: string

Get directory name with trailing slash from path


  • filePath:string

Returns: string

Capitalize string


  • s:string

Extract substring between prefix and suffix

common.between(s, prefix, suffix)

  • s:string - source
  • prefix:string - before needed fragment
  • suffix:string - after needed fragment

Returns: string

Remove UTF-8 BOM


  • s:string - possibly starts with BOM

Returns: string

Generate RegExp from array with '*' wildcards


  • items:array of string

Returns: RegExp, instance

Example: ['/css/*', '/index.html']

Compare time1 and time2

common.isTimeEqual(time1, time2)

  • time1:string - time or milliseconds
  • time2:string - time or milliseconds

Returns: boolean

Example: isTimeEqual(sinceTime, buffer.stats.mtime);

Current date in YYYY-MM-DD format


  • now:Date (optional)

Returns: string

Current date in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format


  • now:Date (optional)

Returns: string

Partial apply

common.partial(fn, ...args)

  • fn:function
  • ...args:array - argumants

Returns: function

Function for mapping object fields

common.omap(mapFn, obj)

  • mapFn:funtion - to appy to every field value
  • obj:object - which fields used for mapping

Returns: object, with same reference but with transformed fields

Compose multiple functions into one


  • fns:array of function

Returns: function, composed

Apply given function to value or default value

common.maybe(fn, defVal, value)

  • fn:function
  • defVal - default value
  • value (optional)

Returns: result of fn or defVal

Zipping several arrays into one


  • arrays - array of array

Returns: array, length is minimal of input arrays length

Hint: Element with index i of resulting array is array with elements with index i from input arrays

Create array of replicated value

common.replicate(count, elem)

  • count:number - new array length
  • elem - value to replicate

Returns: array, replicated

Zipping arrays using specific function

common.zipWith(fn, ...arrays)

  • fn:function - for zipping elements with index i
  • arrays:array of array

Returns: array

Hint: Element with index i of resulting array is result of fn called with arguments from arrays

Curries function until the condition

common.curryUntil(condition, fn, ...args)

  • condition:function - (argsI, argsParts) returns boolean
  • fn:function - which will be curried
  • args:array - arguments for fn

Returns: function, curried

Curry fn count times, first curry uses args for first currying

common.curryN(fn, count, ...args)

  • fn:function - curried
  • count:number - of times function should be curried
  • args:array - arguments for first currying

Returns: function, curried given times count

Curry function curry with fn


  • fn:function - to be curried

Returns: function, to pass arguments that returns curried fn

Curry function with given arguments

common.curry(fn, ...args)

  • fn:function
  • args:array - arguments

Returns: function, curried

Apply arguments


  • args:array - arguments to save in closure

Returns: function, to pass (fn) arguments will be applied

Get first not errored result of fn


  • fn:function - to be called

Returns: result of fn

Empy function


Returns: boolean, always false

Empy function


Returns: boolean, always true

Empy function


Returns: always undefined

Empy asynchronous callback-last single-argument function


  • callback:function - callback to be called with (null)

Empy asynchronous callback-last double-argument function

common.noop(empty, callback)

  • empty - incoming value to be ignored
  • callback:function - callback to be called with (null, null)

Wrap function: call once, not null


  • fn:function (optional)

Returns: function, wrapped callback

Hint: previous name: common.cb (deprecated)

Extract callback function

It's unsafe: may return null, allow multiple calls common.unsafeCallback(args)

  • args:array - arguments

Returns: function, callback or null

Hint: previous name: common.cbUnsafe (deprecated)

Hint: another alias: common.extractCallback (deprecated)

Exctracts callback and make it safe

Wrap collback with once and return common.emptiness if no callback common.safeCallback(args)

  • args:array - arguments

Returns: function, wrapped callback

Hint: previous name: cbExtract (deprecated)

Exctracts callback and throw if no callback


  • args:array - arguments

Returns: function

Exctracts callback and make it safe

common.onceCallback(args) Wrap collback with once() and return common.emptiness if no callback

  • args:array - arguments

Returns: function

Override method: save old to fn.inherited

common.override(obj, fn, Hint)

  • obj:object - containing method to override
  • fn:function - name will be used to find method

Hint: Previous function will be accessible by obj.fnName.inherited

Generate int array from given range

common.range(from, to)

  • from:naumber - range start
  • to:naumber - range end

Returns: array

Example: range(1, 5) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Generate int array from sequence syntax

common.sequence(seq, max, list, range from..to, range from..count, range from..max-to)

  • seq:array
  • max:number - optional max

Returns: array


  • list: sequence([81, 82, 83]) = [81, 82, 83]
  • range from..to: sequence([81,,83]) = [81, 82, 83]
  • range from..count: sequence([81, [3]]) = [81, 82, 83]
  • range from..max-to: sequence([81, [-2]], 5) = [81, 82, 83]

Last array element


  • arr:array

Returns: element

Make function raise-safe


  • fn:function

Returns: function, wrapped with try/catch interception

Generate random int in given range

common.random(min, max)

  • min:number - range start
  • max:number - range end

Returns: number

Shuffle an array


  • arr:array

Returns: array

Enhanced EventEmitter with wildcard


Returns: EventEmitter, instance

Rest left, transfor function


  • fn:function - (args, arg1..argN, callback)

Returns: function, (arg1..argN, ...args, callback)

Parse duration to seconds


  • s:string - duration syntax

Returns: number, milliseconds

Example: duration('1d 10h 7m 13s')

Convert int to string size Kb, Mb, Gb and Tb


  • bytes:number - size

Returns: string

Convert string with units to int


  • size:string - size

Returns: number

Convert IP string to number


  • ip:string - IP address

Returns: number

Get local network interfaces


Returns: srray of strings

Parse host string


  • host:string - host or empty string, may contain :port

Returns: string, host without port but not empty

Divide a long big endian encoded unsigned integer by a small one

(i.e., not longer than a machine word) in-place and return the remainder common.longDivModBE(buffer, divisor)

  • buffer:Buffer - containing a divident
  • divisor:a divisor as a Number

Returns: number, the remainder

Generate random key

common.generateKey(length, possible)

  • length:number - key length
  • possible:string - with possible characters

Returns: string, key

Generate an RFC4122-compliant GUID (UUID v4)


Returns: string, GUID

Generate random SID


  • config:record - { length, characters, secret }

Returns: string, SID

Calculate SID CRC

common.crcSID(config, key)

  • config:record - { length, characters, secret }
  • key:string - SID key

Returns: string, CRC

Validate SID

common.validateSID(config, sid)

  • config:record - { length, characters, secret }
  • sid:string - session id

Returns: boolean

Calculate hash with salt

common.hash(password, salt)

  • password:string
  • salt:string

Returns: string, hash

Validate hash

common.validateHash(hash, password, salt)

  • hash:string
  • password:string
  • salt:string

Returns: boolean

Compare for array.sort with priority

common.sortComparePriority(priority, s1, s2)

  • priority:array of strings with priority
  • s1, s2:string - to compare

Returns: number

Example: files.sort(common.sortComparePriority)

Compare for array.sort, directories first

common.sortCompareDirectories(a, b)

  • a, b:string - to compare

Returns: number

Example: files.sort(sortCompareDirectories);

Compare for array.sort

common.sortCompareByName(a, b)

  • a, b:object - { name } to compare

Returns: number

Example: files.sort(sortCompareByName)

Extend Map interface with:


Returns: object, cache instance

  • cache.allocated - total allocated size
  • cache.add(key, val) - add record
  • cache.del(key) - delete record
  • cache.clr(prefix, fn) - delete all if key.startsWith(prefix)

Splits string by the first occurrence of separator

common.section(s, separator)

  • s:string
  • separator:string - or char

Returns: ['All you need ', ' JavaScript']

Example: rsection('All you need is JavaScript', 'is')

Splits string by the last occurrence of separator

common.rsection(s, separator)

  • s:string
  • separator:string - or char

Returns: ['All you need is Jav', 'Script']

Example: rsection('All you need is JavaScript', 'a')

Splits string by multiple occurrence of separator

common.split(s, separator, limit)

  • s:string
  • separator:string (optional) - default: ','
  • limit:number (optional) - max length of result array
Example: split('a,b,c,d')
Result: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
Example: split('a,b,c,d', ',', 2)
Result: ['a', 'b']

Splits string by multiple occurrence of separator

common.rsplit(s, separator, limit)

  • s:string
  • separator:string (optional) - default: ','
  • limit:number (optional) - max length of result array
Example: split('a,b,c,d', ',', 2)
Result: ['c', 'd']

Splits string by multiple occurrence of separator

common.rsplit(s, separator, limit)

  • s:string
  • separator:string (optional) - default: ','
  • limit:number (optional) - max length of result array
Example: split('a,b,c,d', ',', 2)
Result: ['c', 'd']

Mixin for ES6 classes without overriding existing methods

common.mixin(target, source)

  • target - mixin to target
  • source - source methods

Forward events from one EventEmitter to another

common.forwardEvents(from, to, events)

  • from:EventEmitter - to listen for event
  • to:EventEmitter - to emit event on
  • events:array of string - event names

Example: common.forwardEvent(from, to);

Example: common.forwardEvent(from, to, 'eventName');

Example: common.forwardEvent(from, to, { eventName: 'newEventName' });

Example: common.forwardEvent(from, to, ['eventName1', 'eventName2']);

List method names


  • iface:object - to be introspected

Returns: array of string, method names

List property names


  • iface:object - to be introspected

Returns: array of string, property names

Generate file storage key


Returns: Array of string, [folder1, folder2, code]


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