
A small script to create a beautiful window for debug. Curses is used for the interface and multiprocessing for the "exchange" of data

Primary LanguagePython


Does your print slow down the program? It doesn't give enough information, and if it does, then it's not really readable?

Use this library!

With it, you can make a beautiful-looking terminal for logs or\and debug!

And one of the main features! All messages are processed through a parallel process, so that no one will slow down your code!

For example, here is an example, the 1st time to output 10,000 messages using print, and the second, the same output, only using curses-debug

Print            : 0.23720622062683105 s
dprint.send()    : 0.05412912368774414 s
Just pass        : 0.0009999275207519531 s 

Also! You can add more. output in the form of a "description" to the conclusions!


pip install curses-debug


This is a simple library that extends the work of a typical console through curses and multiprocessing (I was surprised that this bundle works 3 times faster than the usual print XD)

There are many functions, but I'll start in order:

To begin with, I declare the debug window class:

dprint = curses_debug()

Let's talk about the arguments right away:

colors - accepts a dict with a description of all colors

"INFO" : (0, 153, 0),
"WARN" : (204, 192, 0),
"ERRO" : (153, 0, 0),
"CRIT" : (255, 0, 0),
"SELECTION" : (255, 255, 255),
"UNSELECTION" : (0, 0, 0)

default - the default code status value

block_end_of_program - If set to True, then when the program is disabled or crashes, it issues a message of the like this: DONE, after which it waits for the Enter input

The next step is more complicated: by default, the system of monitors freezes (When the console freezes for a long time) have two mods: lite and burn. It is determined which type should be included by the number of elements in the buffer. The differences in the modes are only in the number of messages that will be processed.

min_buffer_size - number of messages to be processed at a time in lite mode

max_buffer_size - number of messages to be processed at a time in burn mode

max_buffer_size_threshold - the number of messages in the buffer needed to enable burn mode

time_function - A function for writing time. The default value is: lambda : time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))

This is used to send messages:

dprint.send("Hello World")


1st positional - text for output, if you do not enter the text, then it will become

status - status code. If it is not assigned or is not correctly equal to the default value (see `default'). 0 - INFO; 1 - WARN; 2 - ERRO; 3 - CRIT

desc - description of the output.

If you enter str, it will simply output it (Use \n to split into several lines).

If you enter dict it will output in the format KEY : VALUE

If you enter list, it will simply list all the values through Enter

replaceable - If set to True, then after the next message is output, it will be deleted (Similar to print("", end="\r"))

This command sets a temporary timeout:


After you have entered this command, the console will ONLY receive messages (Without updates of the GUI), and as soon as there are no messages for the specified time (in seconds), the program will continue its execution as if nothing had happened.

To clear the console:


To get the buffer size, you can use one of the methods:


To generate "logs" in the form of json files, use this:


To, let's say, prematurely close the console, use this:


Accepts only Name as an argument in the form of a str string (By default, Log.json)

The script also has a couple of Easter eggs that you can look for for fun (>o<)


Up/down arrows - selection

Arrows to the side - enabling auto-scroll

After a message like [XX:XX:XX DONE] DONE! press Enter to exit