- 1
Ability to manage two classes
#56 opened by loqimean - 2
Routing error
#42 opened by w0www - 1
- 1
- 5
Limit any_login to specific user
#39 opened by damienlethiec - 2
Support Multitenancy
#33 opened by khalilgharbaoui - 3
Custom Login Providers
#14 opened by zorab47 - 5
Multiple models
#9 opened by chrise86 - 11
MongoDB integration
#6 opened by jakoss - 3
DEPRECATION WARNING: `Module#parent_name` has been renamed to `module_parent_name`. `parent_name` is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 6.1
#23 opened by saiqulhaq - 0
Runtime Error on Rails 6
#21 opened by saiqulhaq - 1
Support multiple model?
#20 opened by sajjadmurtaza - 2
Does it work with Angular ?
#10 opened by ahmgeek - 2
Rails 5 support
#12 opened by daya