
My Counter-Strike 1.6 collection of AMXX plugins

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AMXX Plugins


Plugins made for Counter Strike 1.6 using AMX Mod X.


Brings many quality-of-life features for spectators/observers focused on Clan-vs-Clans matches and big matches.


  • New key (+camera_grenade) to follow grenades like CSGO;
  • Observers will be able to see even if target is blinded (like CSGO);
  • Find player by proximity and direction using WASD keys;
  • While in Free Look switches to nearest target in Observer's vision just by left clicking (+attack);
  • Fast deathcam, automatically switches targets for fast-paced combat instead of default random next player;
  • New key (+camera_c4) to switch target to C4 owner or entity if dropped or planted;
  • New keys (+camera_flag_red/+camera_flag_blue) to support Digi's jCTF matches;
  • Fixes missing observer's crosshair;
  • Fixes wrong angles and origin when switching to Free Look;
  • Fixes bugs related to 'mp_forcecamera', "mp_forcechasecam" and targets;


Command Alternative Description
say /obs Enable/disable Advanced Observer features.
say /obsdebug Enable/disable Advanced Observer debug.
say /debug Print debug.
+camera_grenade +reload Real time target's grenade following.
slot1 Switches target to next Terrorist alive.
slot2 Switches target to next Counter-terrorist alive.
+camera_c4 slot5 Follow player holding C4 or C4 entity if dropped or planted.
+camera_flag_red slot6 Follow player holding Red Flag or Red Flag entity if dropped or in stand.
+camera_flag_blue slot7 Follow player holding Blue Flag or Blue Flag entity if dropped or in stand.
+camera_chase Hold key to keep Observer mode to Locked Chase.
+camera_hook Switch to aimed target while in Free look.


Reapi rework of Advanced Observer, focusing on better server performance and safety.

Reversed enginered Counter-Strike's pseudo random for shot spread and precision real time visualization with laser beams for training purposes. Implemented for AK-47 and Deagle only. (Why would you use anything else?)

Command Description
say /precision Enable/disable AimPrecision laserbeam.

Tracks user's Deagle shot precision and timing, informing if shot was in perfect conditions of precision and how late or early was the shot time in relation with the minimum recovery time.

Command Description
say /aim Enable/disable AimTrainer info.

Anti duck scroll plugin.

Cvar Default Description
amx_dd_delay 20.0 Maximum delay to be counted as a scroll double duck. Setting bigger values than default may impact double duck with ctrl

Demo recorder plugin with timestamp, server name, ip, mapname that footprints all players nick and steamid on demo start. No-config-needed made from scratch replacement for Auto Demo Recorder by IzI with the main objective of recording demos with unique filename for Clan Fights.


  • Configurable parameters on filename: clan prefix, timestamp, steamid, nickname and mapname;
  • Report server and players info on client's console on demo start, including server's hostname, IP address, mapname, timestamp and a list of players in server with nickname and steamid;
  • Auto stopping demo recording on map change;
Command Description
amx_demo Start recording for selected players.
amx_demo 0 - Record all players
amx_demo * - Record all players
amx_demo 1 - Record player with id "1"
amx_demo lonewolf - Record player with name "lonewolf"
amx_demo STEAM_0:0:8354200 - Record player with authid "STEAM_0:0:8354200"
amx_demoall Same as amx_demo *.
amx_demomenu Open demo record menu.
Cvar Default Description
amx_demo_auto 1 Record demo on client connect.
amx_demo_time 0 Append timestamp on demo filename.
amx_demo_map 0 Append mapname on demo filename.
amx_demo_steam 0 Append steamid on demo filename.
amx_demo_nick 0 Append nickname on demo filename.
amx_demo_notify 1 Print demo info on chat on record start.
amx_demo_name "EnhancedAutoDemo" Base prefix for demo filename.
amx_demo_prefix "EnhancedAutoDemo" Chat prefix.
amx_demo_autostop 1 Automatically stop demo on map change.

Initially created to fix an old bug on the flashbang's blinding logic that if a player has been totally blinded, but the flash hasn't fully faded, any other flashbang will totally blind him, even if it explodes behind his back. It also implements options to not blind teammates, totally or partially, or the player itself.

Cvar Default Description
amx_flash_fix 1 Fixes flashbang's blinding logic when turned around.
0 disabled
1 enabled
amx_flash_team 0 Allow team flashing.
0 don't flash teammates
1 always flash teammates
2 only flash teammates if mp_friendlyfire is enabled
3 partially blind teammates"
amx_flash_self 1 When set the flashbang will blind its owner.
0 disabled
1 enabled

Based on twistedeuphoria's MultiJump this plugin uses Counter Strike's jump implementation to make multi jumps that behave like real jumps.


  • User now can smoothly jump with mouse scroll without accidently triggering multi jumps;
  • Air jumps don't just throw the player up like the original, it works like a normal CS 1.6 jump, correctly setting player's friction/fuser2;
  • Auto-jumping with maximum height just by holding spacebar;
  • Auto-compensating vertical velocity to stardardize jump height independently of custom gravity, player's FPS or bad timing;
  • No jump height randomness like the original;
  • Improved airjump flexibility by enabling it even if player didn't jump before leaving ground, like falling on ledge or double ducking;
  • Proper handling of ladder jump, further improving the range of movements;
Cvar Default Description
amx_maxjumps 1 Maximum number of air jumps.
0 only standard jump
1-9999 number of air jumps
amx_airjumplikebhop 0 Should the horizontal speed of air jump works like in a standard bhop in CS 1.6.
0 unlimited speed while air jumping
1 limit speed higher than ~120% of current weapon's maximum speed

Parachute plugin based on CSRevo's Parachute Lite by Wilian M. with few rare bugs corrected and configurable anti speed abuse features.

Cvar Default Description
parachute_fallspeed 100 Parachute fallspeed.
0 - 2000 fallspeed in units/s
parachute_noaccel 0 Acceleration behavior on parachute.
0 normal speed behavior
1 player is unable to gain speed while using parachute
parachute_maxspeed 2000 Parachute maximum speed.
0 - 2000 player's maximum speed while using parachute


Plugin to fix the unfair acceleration on clients with high FPS. Works good on sv_airaccelerate 100 and could be enough for some servers, but I am still working on calculations. Feedback appreciated.

Cvar Default Description
amx_fix_fps_speed 1 FPS Speed fix behavior
0 Disabled, default speed
1 Enabled

Anti-acceleration abuse plugin, limits the maximum speed or even acceleration in many different scenarios in a smooth fashion while maintaining the velocity direction for better user experience.

Command Description
say /speed Enables real time speed and max speed info for debug purposes
Cvar Default Description
amx_maxspeed_enabled 1 Globally enables Max Speed Plugin.
0 disabled
1 enabled
amx_maxspeed 400 Maximum air speed in a normal jump.
0 - 2000 in units/s
amx_maxspeed_surfspeed 2000 Maximum speed while surfing.
0 - 2000 in units/s
amx_maxspeed_duckspeed 300 Maximum speed after double-ducking.
0 - 2000 in units/s
amx_maxspeed_swimspeed 400 Maximum speed under water.
0 - 2000 in units/s
amx_maxspeed_usespeed 400 Maximum speed holding +use, usually applied for parachute.
0 - 2000 in units/s
amx_maxspeed_debug 0 Allow debug.
0 normal behavior
1 enables say /speed command
amx_maxspeed_noaccel 0 0 - 15 Bitsum:
1 disable airstrafe acceleration
2 disable swim acceleration
4 disable surf acceleration
8 disable +use acceleration
amx_maxspeed_noaccel 11 is the bitsum of 1 + 4 + 8 and removes acceleration for normal jumping, surfing and +use, while keeping freely allowing player to surf.
amx_maxspeed_relative 1 Sets the player's maximum speed relative to his actual maximum speed weapon, using knife' maxspeed of 250 units/s as reference.
0 maximum speed configured is absolute for any weapon
1 maximum speed respects player's actual entity's maxspeed

Simple file based MOTD viewer with custom path defined by cvar. Just configure your filename.html or filename.txt and point the configuration cvar to the right path. Uses a regex based filename checker to guarantee that file is a html or txt file.

Command Description
say /rules Show Rules MOTD
Cvar Default Description
amx_rulesfile "rules.html" Rules file Absolute path. By default has its roots on cstrike/ folder.

Easy to configure Fixed Cameras Teleports plugin for spectator usage with objective to dynamize matches' online streaming. Fully configurable by menu or by editing server's "maps/<mapname>.cameras" file, which is automatically generated when saved in-game by an admin with ADMIN_CVAR flag. Perfect combo to Advanced Observer.

Command Description
say /cam Open Cameras' teleport menu
say /cam <number> Teleport to Camera <number> without menu prompt
say /camcfg Open Cameras' config menu
+cameras_shift Hold to add +10 to "say /cam" argument
Cvar Default Description
amx_cameras_enabled 1 Globally enables cameras usage
0 disabled
1 enabled
amx_cameras_spec_only 1 Who can use can use cameras
0 everyone, alive or dead
1 only spectators


In-map configurable static models placer, focused on simplicity to set origin and angle, configurable model list and skins. Still in alpha and do not save placed models or distinguish mapnames.

Command Description
say /place Opens PlaceModels menu
say /models Toggle rendering of placed models, player based

Work-in-progress plugin with useful entities info commands.

Command Description
entities_list <number> Print 30 entities's ID, Classname and Model starting from <number>

Admin command to query an user's config by id, user steam or nickname.

Command Usage
query query 0 or id or name or authid cvar

Useful admins commands to swap or shuffle teams while keeping player's scores.

Command Description
amx_shuffleteams Shuffle teams and restart game keeping player's score
amx_swapteams Swap teams and restart game keeping player's score