Everything you need to extend Apple Shortcut.
// When user request Blueprint inputs
Blueprint.onListInputs = async function() {
// Create inputs with
// Blueprint.newInput(id, name, type)
// Create a `text` input
let statusText = Blueprint.newInput("status_text", "Status Message", "text")
// Create a `date` input
let statusExpiration = Blueprint.newInput("status_expiration", "Status Expiration Date", "date")
// Create a `select` input...
let statusEmoji = Blueprint.newInput("status_emoji", "Status Emoji", "select")
// and when user request statusEmoji options...
statusEmoji.onListOptions = async function() {
// add some options with
// .newOption(id, name, icon?)
statusEmoji.newOption(":coffee:", "☕️ Coffee")
statusEmoji.newOption(":croissant:", "🥐 Croissant")
// When user run the Blueprint
Blueprint.onExecution = async function() {
// Get user input values with
// Blueprint.userInputs.input_id
const requestBody = {
profile: {
status_text: Blueprint.userInputs.status_text,
status_expiration: Blueprint.userInputs.status_expiration,
status_emoji: Blueprint.userInputs.status_emoji
// Get user preference value with
// Blueprint.userPreferences.preference_id
const headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + Blueprint.userPreferences.slack_token,
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
// Call API with
// UrlFetch(url, options?)
const response = await UrlFetch("https://slack.com/api/users.profile.set", {
method: "post",
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),
// Use print(string) for debugging
const json = JSON.parse(response)
// Create result
Blueprint.newResult("success","Status Set")