
This project aims to create a benchmark testing ObjectBox and Realm with the following functions:

  • input sync
  • input many sync
  • read all
  • query using a date
  • remove using a query

Implementations for these tests can be found in the lib/benchmarks/ directory.

I have created a BLoC to manage state while running different tests, just for fun. If you want to run the tests without BLoC in order to get maximum performance and pureness, set useBloc to false. Also update manually object count and iterations average on the same file.


const useBloc = false;

Run the following commands to rebuild entities if you change them:

dart run build_runner build
flutter pub run realm generate

Test results for 20.000 objects with average time of 10 iterations, without BLoC state management:

OBX inputSync: 7731 ms
RLM inputSync: 20782 ms
ISR inputSync: 50 ms

OBX inputManySync: 334 ms
RLM inputManySync: 304 ms
ISR inputManySync: 68 ms

OBX readAll: 11 ms
RLM readAll: 0 ms
ISR readAll: 0 ms

OBX testDateQuery: 11 ms
RLM testDateQuery: 0 ms
ISR testDateQuery: 11 ms

OBX testRemoveQuery: 21 ms
RLM testRemoveQuery: 120 ms
ISR testRemoveQuery: 49 ms

ObjectBox memory usage: 1.8MB

Device model: Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13