A .NET library to call and handle data from TibiaData API
For now you can check at TibiaData Doc website the current parameters allowed for all functions
Version 2
API | Supported |
Characters | ✔️ |
Guilds | ✔️ |
Highscores | ✔️ |
Houses | ✔️ |
News | ✔️ |
Worlds | ✔️ |
This library is available as a NuGet package
Install-Package TibiaDataApiCore
# or
dotnet add package TibiaDataApiCore
var api = new TibiaDataApi(); // Create the api client instance
// Highscores API
var highscoresList = api.GetHighscore(
worldName: "Antica",
category: HighscoresCategoryEnum.Experience,
vocation: HighscoreVocationEnum.Knight);
// Worlds API
var worldsList = api.GetWorlds();
var world = api.GetWorld(worldName: "Antica");
// Characters API
var character = api.GetCharacter(characterName: "Rogi Suvan");
// Guilds API
var guildsList = api.GetGuilds(worldName: "Antica");
var guild = api.GetGuild(guildName: "Red Rose");
// Houses API
var housesList = api.GetHouses(
worldName: "Antica",
city: HousesCityEnum.Venore,
type: HousesTypeEnum.Houses);
var house = api.GetHouse(worldName: "Antica", houseId: 40211);
// News API
var latestNewsList = api.GetLatestNews();
var latestNewsTickersList = api.GetLatestNewsTickers();
var news = api.GetNews(newsId: 3560);
Feel free to submit a PR or open an issue :)
- GNU GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3.0