
Create a Laravel 8 project that is instantly deployable to dokku+https+postgres+redis+elastic (with instructions on how to setup)

Primary LanguagePHP

Creates the project with all scaffolding for Dokku deployment.

git clone git@github.com:slava-vishnyakov/dokku-laravel.git
(cd dokku-laravel && composer install)
dokku-laravel/dokku-laravel new project project.com

Creates a project folder suitable for deployment to project.com

See the generated dokku-deploy.txt file for complete instructions.

Run Tests

Production assets builds

Create a file push.sh:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

CHANGED=$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD --)

BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
if [ $BRANCH != "master" ]; then echo -e "[!] Not on master branch"; exit 1; fi

if [ $REMOTE == "your-domain.com" ]; then echo -e "[!] Set REMOTE in push.sh"; exit 1; fi
if [ -n "$CHANGED" ]; then echo -e "[!] Commit your changes first"; exit 1; fi

export BRANCH="prod-1"
trap 'git checkout master; git branch -D $BRANCH' EXIT
git checkout -B "$BRANCH"
yarn production
git add -f public/js/app.js public/css/app.css public/mix-manifest.json
git commit -m 'Production build'
git push -f "$REMOTE" "$BRANCH":master

Change your-domain.com to your git remote name, usually - your domain.

Change package.json where it says "push-yourdomain.com" to ./push.sh:

    "push-...": "./push.sh",
  1. run push.sh to push - it will create a branch, build production assets and force push it without having to commit JS, CSS files.

  2. Remove app.css, app.js from Git if you have committed them previously

git rm --cached public/mix-manifest.json public/js/app.js public/css/app.css

Add to .gitignore:


This might come in handy (in webpack.mix.js):

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
        terser: {
            terserOptions: {
                keep_fnames: true,
                safari10: true,