
Laravel wrapper for the Gmail API

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Laravel Gmail

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Work in progress!!


Gmail API for Laravel 5

You need to create an application in the Google Console. Guidance here.


  • PHP 5.6 or higher
  • Laravel 5


Add dacastro4/laravel-gmail to composer.json.

"dacastro4/laravel-gmail": "^0.4"

Run composer update to pull down the latest version.

Or run

composer require dacastro4/laravel-gmail

Now open up config/app.php and add the service provider to your providers array.

'providers' => [

Now add the alias.

'aliases' => [
    'LaravelGmail' => Dacastro4\LaravelGmail\Facade\LaravelGmail::class,

For laravel >=5.5 that's all. This package supports Laravel new Package Discovery.


You only have to set the following variables on your .env file and you'll be on your way:


To modify the scopes and the credentials file name, just run:

Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dacastro4\LaravelGmail\LaravelGmailServiceProvider" and modify the config file config/gmail.php.


Welcome Blade:

    <h1>{{ LaravelGmail::user() }}</h1>
        <a href="{{ url('oauth/gmail/logout') }}">logout</a>
        <a href="{{ url('oauth/gmail') }}">login</a>


Route::get('/oauth/gmail', function (){
    return LaravelGmail::redirect();

Route::get('/oauth/gmail/callback', function (){
    return redirect()->to('/');

Route::get('/oauth/gmail/logout', function (){
    LaravelGmail::logout(); //It returns exception if fails
    return redirect()->to('/');

Then if in your controller or wherever you want to do your logic, you do something like:

$messages = LaravelGmail::message()->subject('test')->unread()->preload()->all();
foreach ( $messages as $message ) {
    $body = $message->getHtmlBody();
    $subject = $message->getSubject();

Note that if you don't preload the messages you have to do something like: $body = $message->load()->getSubject(); and after that you don't have to call it again.



LaravelGmail::getAuthUrl Gets the URL to auth the user.

LaravelGmail::redirect You can use this as a direct method <a href="{{ LaravelGmail::redirect() }}">Login</a>

LaravelGmail::logout Logs out the user

LaravelGmail::check Checks if the user is logged in


For to, from, cc and bcc, you can set an array of emails and name or a string of email and name.

$mail->using( $token ) If you don't want to use the token file, you can use this function that sets the token to use in the request. It doesn't refresh

$mail->to( $to, $name = null ) sets the recipient email and name as optional

$mail->from( $from, $name = null ) sets sender's email

$mail->cc( $cc, $name = null ) sets carbon copy

$mail->bcc( $bcc, $name = null ) sets a blind carbon copy

$mail->subject( $subject ) sets the subject of the email

$mail->message( $message ) sets the body of the email

$mail->view( 'view.name' ) sets the body from a blade file

$mail->attach( ...$path ) add file attachments to the email

$mail->priority( $priority ) sets the priority of the email from 1 to 5

$mail->reply() replies to an existent email

$mail->send() sends a new email

$mail->setHeader( $header, $value ) sets header to the email


$mail->getId returns the email's ID

$mail->getInternalDate returns date in UNIX format

$mail->getDate returns a Carbon date from the header of the email

$mail->getLabels returns an array of all the labels of the email

$mail->getHeaders returns a collection of the header. Each header is an array with two rows key and value

$mail->getSubject returns an string of the subject

$mail->getFrom Returns an array with name and email of sender

$mail->getFromName Returns string of name

$mail->getFromEmail Returns string of email

$mail->getTo Returns an array with name and email of all recipients

$mail->getDeliveredTo Returns the email of the receiver

$mail->getPlainTextBody Returns the plain text version of the email

$mail->getRawPlainTextBody Returns the raw version of the body base64 encrypted

$mail->hasAttachments Returns a boolean if the email has attachments

$mail->load Load all the information of the email (labels, body, headers). You call this function on a single email. To load from the beginning see preload()

$mail->getHeader( $headerName, $regex = null ) Returns the header by name. Optionally, you can execute a regex on the value


$mail->markAsRead Removes the 'UNREAD' label from the email.

$mail->markAsUnread Adds the 'UNREAD' label to the email.

$mail->markAsImportant Adds the 'IMPORTANT' label to the email.

$mail->markAsNotImportant Removes the 'IMPORTANT' label from the email.

$mail->addStar Adds the 'STARRED' label to the email.

$mail->removeStar Removes the 'STARRED' label from the email.

$mail->sendToTrash Adds the 'TRASH' label to the email.

$mail->removeFromTrash Removes the 'TRASH' label from the email.

$mail->addLabel($string|$array) Add multiple or single label to the email

$mail->removeLabel($string|$array) Removes multiple or single label from the email

$mail->getAttachments() Get a collection of all the attachments on the email

$mail->getAttachmentsWithData() Get a collection of all the attachments on the email including the data


$attachment->getId Returns the ID of the attachment

$attachment->getFileName Returns the file name of the attachment

$attachment->getMimeType Returns the mime type Ex: application/pdf

$attachment->getSize Returns the size of the attachment in bytes

$attachment->getData Get the all the information from the attachment. If you call getAttachmentsWithData you won't need this method.

$attachment->saveAttachmentTo($path = null, $filename = null, $disk = 'local') Saves the attachment on the storage folder. You can pass the path, name and disk to use.


LaravelGmail::message()->all( $pageToken = null ) Returns all the emails from the inbox

LaravelGmail::message()->take(2)->all( $pageToken = null ) The take method limits the emails coming from the query by the number set

LaravelGmail::message()->get( $id ) Returns a single email with all the information


You can modify your query with these methods. For example:

To get all unread emails: LaravelGmail::message()->unread()->all()


message()->from( $email )

message()->in( $box = 'inbox' )


Of course you can use as a fluent api.



You can preload the body, header and the rest of every single email just by calling this method.


