
A game test bed for neural networks evaluations

Primary LanguageC


A AI testbed over asteroids


git clone https://github.com/igormorgado/aisteroids.git
cd aisteroids


No errors :-D

Coding conventions

  1. function naming should use underscore_separated_words() and not CamelCaseNamingConvention.

  2. variable naming should use almostCamelCaseNaming, for now, probably it will be changed in future.

  3. Every game entity is described in its own source file and header file, for example a ship object is described in ship.c and ship.h respectively.

  4. All functions related to a game object (using the same example the ship needs to be named using the format gameobject__function_name(), for example a function to turn ship left would be named ship__turn_left(). That is for a clear "namespace" like structure. Avoid things to be english readable as turn_ship_left().

  5. Functions that act over a game object MUST have it's first parameter as the object itself (like python classes/object declaration). For example the function defined above ship__turn_left() prototype could be: void ship__turn_left(struct ship * self, float angle).

  6. Use self as the variable name for the self reference in game objects for sake of organization and readibility. Of course you would be tempted to use some name that represent the object itself using example above struct ship * ship, but in long run this will make harder to read.

  7. Be descriptive in naming, variable and functions should be self explanatory at least for a small degree of precision, of course details would go on internal documentation.

  8. Standard for standard obj methods: OBJ__init: initializer, set variables from OBJ_params and creates substructs; OBJ_free in end; OBJ__free: deallocator free the object itself.