You can use the install script in container or WSL
curl -sS | /bin/bash
run only updates
curl -sS | /bin/bash -s -- -u
Download the desired tarball here
wsl.exe --import <Distribution Name> <Install Folder> <.TAR.GZ File Path>
$Env:GIT_USERNAME=(git config user.username || 'igorovic')
$Env:GIT_USER_NAME=(git config
$Env:GIT_USER_EMAIL=(git config
wsl -d <you-distro>
- First we set the environment variables withing powershell
- Then we tell wsl which environment variables from host are shared with WSL disto.
- This is done with
env variable. Values are separated by column:
. The suffix/u
defines that this variable is shared only if we call wsl from windows. - !IMPORTANT: Note that we set the names of the environement variables and not the values within
- This is done with
# UID is necessary to grant access to ssh-agent socket
docker build -t dyve/ubuntu-dev-base:latest --progress plain --build-arg "UID=${UID}" --file ./Docker/ubuntu-dev-base.Dockerfile .
# Build for nodejs with pnpm store from host
docker build -t dyve/nodejs-dev:latest --progress plain --file ./Docker/nodejs.Dockerfile .
# FIRST RUN: container does not exists -- this will create the container
docker run -it --name ubuntu-dev -p 3000-3020:3000-3020 \
--mount type=bind,source=./,target=/home/vscode/dev \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent -v "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/ssh-agent" \
-e GIT_USER_EMAIL="$(git config" \
-e GIT_USER_NAME="$(git config" \
# if container already exists
docker start -ia ubuntu-dev
#### nodejs dev
For node I prefer pnpm
package manager to reduce overall disk uage.
Since pnpm
use a global store with hardlinks we need to create external docker volumes. This will help share the same pnpm store between multiple containers.
create volumes
# global shared cache
docker volume create pnpm-store
# store for globally installed packages
docker volume create pnpm-home
# vscode-server for extensions in container and stuff
docker volume create vscode-server
Docker volumes are managed by the docker daemon. Your docker daemon decides the disk location on your host machine.
To find out the disk location run docker volume inspect pnpm-store
Orbstack volumes see notes below
docker run -it --name node-dev -p 3000-3020:3000-3020 -p 5173:5173 -p 4321:4321 \
--mount type=volume,source=pnpm-store,target=/home/vscode/.pnpm-store/v3 \
--mount type=volume,source=pnpm-home,target=/home/vscode/.local/share/pnpm \
--mount type=volume,source=vscode-server,target=/home/vscode/.vscode-server \
--mount type=volume,source=projects,target=/home/vscode/projects \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent -v "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/ssh-agent" \
-e GIT_USER_EMAIL="$(git config" \
-e GIT_USER_NAME="$(git config" \
To restart container when need to change source of SSH_AUTH_SOCK
docker commit --message "change env vars" <container> <image:tag> \
&& docker rm <container> \
&& docker run -it --name <container> -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent -v "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/ssh-agent" <image:tag>
docker run -it --rm --name bun \
--mount type=bind,source=./,target=/home/vscode/dev \
--mount type=volume,source=vscode-server,target=/home/vscode/.vscode-server \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent -v "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/ssh-agent" \
-e GIT_USER_EMAIL="$(git config" \
-e GIT_USER_NAME="$(git config" \
#### tauri dev
docker run -it --name tauri-dev -p 5900:5900 \
--mount type=bind,source=./,target=/home/vscode/dev \
--mount type=volume,source=vscode-server,target=/home/vscode/.vscode-server \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent -v "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/ssh-agent" \
-e GIT_USER_EMAIL="$(git config" \
-e GIT_USER_NAME="$(git config" \
First time you start tmux tpm
plugin is not automatically installed. You need to
- open tmux
- Use
which sould beCtrl-s I
- this will install the plugin
The nvim lua files go inside ~/.config/nvim/
For nerd fonts you need to install the patched versions on your host. (Not in the container or WSL)
Then configure the nerd font in your terminal. This step depends on your terminal app.
You need to enable mouse reporting in your terminal if you want to resize tmux panels with your mouse.
Show usefull information about your environment.
Some nvim plugin uses TERM
environment variable so I had to manually define it inside a Docker container to fix colors issues.
export TERM=xterm-256color
The following tmux options where not sufficient.
# ~/.tmux.conf
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
set-option -sa terminal-features ',xterm-256color:RGB'
Use gpg
and pass
initialize gpg keys
# This will ask for a passphrase which will be your master password
gpg --full-generate-key
initialize password-store
# show your gpg id - will use this id to configure password-store
gpg -k
pass init <your gpg id - output by gpg -k>
When using Orbstack for containerization the docker volumes are created in a VM and mounted as a MAC OS volume. You can see the Orbastack volume in finder while Orbstack app is running.
docker volume inspect
may report disk location as /var/lib/docker
but with Orbstack this is actually inside Orbstack VM