
MEX Project: Metadata for Machine Learning Experiments

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MEX: Metadata for Machine Learning Outputs

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This project aims at facilitating the sharing and data management of machine learning experiment outputs.

For more information, please see the sub projects listed bellow:

MEX Projects

MEX Framework

##LOG4MEX Library: Demo and Documentation

Project Page

SPARQL Endpoint

##License MEX is Open Source and licensed under the GNU General Public License 3. (Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Diego Esteves)

MEX uses several other libraries. An incomplete list is as follows:

  • Google Guava (Apache License Version 2.0)
  • Log4j (Apache License Version 2.0)
  • Apache Jena (Apache License Version 2.0)

How to use MEX?

For semantic web users the usage is straightforward, once the vocabulary can easily be handled with semantic web technologies, such as Apache Jena.

For non-semantic web users, there are two ways to use MEX: if you're coding, you can import LOG4MEX, which implements an interface to be consumed into the user code for directly exporting the metadata in a simple manner, regardless possible semantic web aspects.

More recently, we have started the Framework's development, which aims at automatizing the task of generating metadata for Java classes based on the concepts of reflection, annotation and generics.

Finally, soon you'll be able to benefit from a REST interface and export your metadada via HTTP.

MEX Platform