Bumblebee sting ModelCache.safeGet(androidProjectResult.androidProject::getNdkVersion, "") must not be null
scar20 opened this issue · 2 comments
A new feature of the latest version...
It seem we have to set ndk explicitly in gradle.build as quick fix.
Searching for answer give not very much, a few StackOverflow mostly self-answering issues with of course deprecated solutions and of course no clear indication from Google.
So, setting a particular ndk in gradle.build is ok.
Add ndk path in android.ndkPath seem ok for generic ndk:
android {
ndkPath "driveLetter:/path/to/Sdk/ndk-bundle"
Unfortunately both those solution are not gitignoreable.
Setting ndk path in local.properties is deprecated - that is unfortunate since this file is git ignored.
Lastly, probably the best solution is: gradle will pick the latest ndk by default if it is the latest gradle version. I could test this opening a new empty native C++ project.
So the latest gradle must be set in gradle-wrapper.properties:
The new project also add those in the project build.gradle file which was empty in previous version:
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
plugins {
id 'com.android.application' version '7.1.1' apply false
id 'com.android.library' version '7.1.1' apply false
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir
So for what I understand, it mean the code base need to be "retouched" to accomodate Bumblebee. By then I can still make the changes in a branch, or wait. Let me know the way you indent to address this.
I remember in the old days one would only fear updating the actual dev kits, but now each update of the IDE is to be met with equal fear 🙈
I'll update to Bumblebee and see what is the right course of action.