
📦 A Visual Studio Code extension build and packs extensions for Visual Studio Code right from the editor itself! 🔨

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

VSCode Pack VSIX extension

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A Visual Studio Code extension build and packs extensions for Visual Studio Code right from the editor itself!

Currently, only Windows is supported.

Like it? Buy me a beer.


Before proceeding visit the following links, if this is the first time you're creating/publishing a VSCode extension, as you need a configured vsce tool.


  • open the folder created by the generator,
  • open the "src/extension.ts" file (IMPORTANT !)
  • open the command palette and choose "Build extension",
  • or
  • choose the pack icon from the statusbar,
  • or
  • simply press CTRL + Alt + P,
  • wait for the build to finish.