
PHP 5.4+ oAuth 2 Library

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PHPoAuthLib Readme

PHPoAuthLib provides oAuth support in PHP 5.4+ and is very easy to integrate with any project which requires an oAuth client.


  • PSR-0 compliant for easy interoperability
  • Fully extensible in every facet.
    • You can implement any service with any custom requirements by extending the protocol version's AbstractService implementation.
    • You can use any HTTP client you desire, just create a class utilizing it which implements OAuth\Common\Http\ClientInterface (an implementation for the HTTP client from Artax is included)
    • You can use any storage mechanism for tokens. By default, session, in-memory and Redis.io (requires PHPRedis) storage mechanisms are included. Implement additional mechanisms by implementing OAuth\Common\Token\TokenStorageInterface.

Service support

The library supports both oAuth 1.x and oAuth 2.0 compliant services. A list of currently implemented services can be found below. More services will be implemented soon.

Included service implementations

  • OAuth1
    • Twitter
  • OAuth2
    • Google
    • Microsoft
    • GitHub
    • BitLy
    • Yammer
    • SoundCloud
    • Foursquare
  • more to come!


Examples of basic usage are located in the examples/ directory.


Authorizing a user with any service is very concise:

$storage = new OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory();
$credentials = new Credentials(GOOGLE_CLIENT, GOOGLE_SECRET, get_own_url() );
$googleService = new Google(new OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials('yourClient', 'yourSecret', 'yourCallBackUrl'), new OAuth\Common\Http\StreamClient(), new OAuth\Common\Storage\Null(), [ Google::SCOPE_EMAIL, Google::SCOPE_PROFILE ]);
header('Location: ' . $googleService->getAuthorizationUri());

To handle the callback and obtain the token:

$token = $googleService->requestAccessToken( $_GET['code'] ); // note that the token will also be passed to the `TokenStorageInterface` passed to the service
// get userinfo
$result = json_decode( $googleService->sendAuthenticatedRequest( new Uri('https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo'), [], 'GET' ), true );

API Docs

View the API docs here.